Skylar and Batman?

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After the guys set we all head to the signing and Ricky pulls me into his lap they let the kids in a girl with snakebites and a septum piercing with scene black hair to her hips and blue eyes comes running up and she looks at me and says "ohh my fucking Gerard I love u guys together Ricky please marry this girl" she starts giggling I like this girl she has a bubbly personality she is cute too. I ask "what's ur name sweetie?" "Skylar and sorry but Ryan is meh fave of the guys" I giggle and say "its ok I have my fave guy with me" I kiss him sweetly and she goes "awwww shit sorry ruined the moment" me and her start giggling uncontrollably Ricky kisses my head and I ask "can I have ur number so we can stay in contact?" She nods quickly and hands me her phone I punch my number and name in she squeals and runs off. I giggle and see girls giving me the evil eye but not Kylie she smiles smugly at me as if to say "that's right bitch they hate u and love me" I swear to Satan sorry I don't believe in a god I just like saying Satan but I swear to Satan that bitch will get a rude awaking by me when I kick her ass. I see BVB walking to us after the signing and I start to hyperventilate I absolutely love them I want Andy's eye color I'm stuck with plain old brown I see Andy and say "holy shit Batman is walking to me" he must've heard me cause he busts out laughing and says "how the fuck did she know I am Batman?" I giggle he and the others reach us I say "its not hard to figure out Bruce" he laughs ans Ashley kisses my hand and says "what's ur name beautiful?" "Sara" "well Sara why are u out here the venue is closed all fans have left?" "Well I'm dating Ricky Horror" he seems kinda upset "ohh that's cool" just then Ricky comes out and says "we gotta go to leave for the next venue babe" I write my number on Andy's hand and say "give it to all the guys and text me" he nods and we walk away and get on the bus and Chris and Phenixx are cuddled on the couch and Josh and Wolf are talking Ryan is just sitting there. No sign of bitch or asshole so I cuddle on Ricky's lap.

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