Bad thoughts

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Trigger warning: crying, self hate, feeling betrayed, vent, sad boi Patton. If those things trigger you please don't read.

Pat POV.

Pat was trying to sleep and his mind was spiraling. Hot tears were running down his cheeks and he thought about how tomorrow people he have love and cared about for what seems like forever hate him and he doesn't know why... why had it been him why had he had to care about them. They treated him like their son and yet when he tries to talk to them the never responded. It was February and they didn't respond since January 26/27th. More tears shed makin his ears and pillows wet and cold, but he couldn't stop as long as his thoughts didn't calm. Like a rageing sea trying to take a ship under him s emotions and thoughts spilled over. He felt hurt and didn't know why. Was it that everyone left him at some point and he knew he couldn't stop it. Was it that he couldn't help but care for them as they cared for him. He didn't know all he knew was that he was hurt and shaking and just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up again. Never wake up to remus or roman and virgil or Janus or Logan ever again. Never see when he got married. Never see the world again. Never ever pet another dog and cat again just to make the pain stop. The pain and hurt was too overwhelming, he couldn't breathe. Tears kept coming out not stoping as bad ideas and no air came in. He just wanted to know if they hated him so he would stop annoying them. He needed reassurance but it never came. Soon he was asleep bad dreams coming and tears finally settling, eyes puffy. He knew as long as they never responded this would happen.

(I'm so sorry for this y'all it's kinda a vent for me at the moment.)

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