Christmas special

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Happy holidays y'all.

Patton's pov
It was a normal day, Dada and roman were putting up the tree up last minute at the same time putting presents under it while Remus and mama were baking cookies together as me and virgil played with legos. "Hey kiddos I need someone to taste the frosting" mama called from the kitchen. Me and virgil got up and ran to the kitchen for frosting. "Here" Remus said handing me and virgil spoons with frosting on them. Me and virgil put them in our mouths and we were happy cus sugar. "Yummy!" I exclaimed. Virgil nodded in agreement. "Good the cookies should be cooled enough to frost soon enough. Rem get the sprinkles." Mama said. "Remus!" I said running and hugging him. "Hi pat." Remus said handing mama the sprinkles then hugging back. "Need anything" Remus asked. "Just help making friendships bracelets for me and Vivi" I said. "May I help them Jan?" Remus asked. "Yeah" mama said. I dragged Remus into the living room and handing him the bracelets. "Can you make them stay as bracelets?" I asked. Remus nodded and make the bracelets actually bracelets. "There you go kiddo" he said me smiling. I saw roman stuck in the lights and started giggling. "Vivi look!" I said,Virgil running out here and starts laughing and dying. "Mama look at wowo!" Janus looked at roman and chuckled. "Babe help roman our after your done taking pictures for Thomas" mama said. Dada took a lot of pictures and then helped roman out of the lights. "Not funny" roman said. "Vewy funny" Virgil said. I saw remus go to the lights and try to eat a light. "Wewe no!" I scweamed. "I do believe the babies need a nap" papa said. "Papa nooooo." I whined. "No nap blankie missin" Vivi said. Roman picked up virgil and sighed. "We'll find your blankie I promise but you two need s nap" he said. "Chu know I can't sleep without hew" Vivi whined. "Seawch and wescue mission" I said goin to check the laundwy woom. "I found it!" I scweamed. Vic wan to me and gwabed da blankie. "Dank chu!" He said all happy. "Now nap" he said goin to woman. "Tuck it please and wawm milky." "Sure kiddo." woman said, "please make the milk and I'll tuck in the kiddos ok?" He said pickin me up. "Please mama" I said. "Sure kiddos remember to put them in pjs jeans are uncomfortable for pat to nap in." Mama said going to make some milk for us and woman walkin to my woom. Papa finished puttin up da twee as we wewe taken to da woom. "Cat onesie!" I said happily. "Panda onesie." Vivi said. "Alright" woman said puttin me and Vivi on da bed and gettin ouw onesies. "Pat pat chu amazin." Vivi said. "Dank chu!" I said.

~time skip to Christmas Eve~
(Virgil's pov)

I woke up from a nap to the smell of cookies fresh from the oven and Christmas music playing. I jumped out of bed all happy and ran out to the living room. "Christmas!" I shouted happy as can be. "Hi kiddo" Janus said. "Hi Jan jan! Chu and wewe make cookies?" I asked. "Of course kiddo" he said handing me a cookie. I ate the cookie and smiled. "Yummy!" I said happily. "I'm glad you liked it kiddo it's for the Christmas party sorta tonight with everyone including Thomas." Janus said. "Mowe please?" I asked. "Sure" Janus picked me up and took me to the kitchen for cookies. "Noms!" I said all happy. Janus gave me a few more cookies to taste for the party. "Yummy! Best batch evew" I said. "Thank you kiddo." Janus said. "Let's go get you dressed for the party." I was happy eating cookies and getting in my favorite Christmas outfit. "Dank chu!" "Any time kiddo." Janus said picking me up and going to the living room. "Why don't you color while I decorate?" He asked. "No I help." I said. "Alright" janus went to go get all the Christmas decorations for the walls and tables and some games. He came back with them and set them on the floor. "Will you set the table cloth on the coffee table for you and Patton to do crafts." He said getting some garland thingys and tape to put them up. "Otay!" I put the table cloth on it and grabbed some random bows from the box and put it on my head. "Kiddo hand me some bows and bells?" Janus said. I handed him what he needed. "Do I set up a game?" I asked. "Sure kiddo." I grabbed some of the games in the box like pin the nose on rudolf and a drinking game for the adults and put the rudolf game on the wall and eye hight and set up the drinking games on the table. "Why is there a Christmas drinking game in the box?" I asked. "Remus" Janus said. "Fwom da dawk side mind scape?" I asked. "Yes, now lets go make gingerbread cookies" Janus said. "Otay!" I said running to the kitchen.

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