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Chaewon immediately changed into her scrubs as she thinks she needs to go inside the OR,

She needs to be sterilized to make sure she wouldn't cause any harm to Eunbi, this is the usual routine after all.

She's washing her hands right now thinking why this is happening, what could be the cause, are there any more things to be worried about with her Eunbi unnie?

"What if this didn't happen to unnie? What if happened to Minju? To Kura unnie? To me?"

Not aware of what she's doing,
Chaewon's hands has been soaked under running water for seconds now, the suds from the soap already washed out,

The sound of running water filling the empty space Chaewon has in her mind, every drop of water corresponds to the words that makes up a phrase,

A phrase turning into a sentence as she keeps blabbering things to herself due to the amount of worry she's feeling right now,

Not just for Eunbi but for everyone else in her life too as it hit her, you could never be too thankful for someone you have.

Thankfully something fell from a far making a loud noise that made Chaewon get back to reality,

Looking to the direction where the noise came from, she saw a med student looking surprise as he bowed at Chaewon, slightly nervous as she might scold him or something,

"Get yourself together Kim Chaewon"

Chaewon spared him a smile before finally turning the faucet off as she made her way to the doors of the OR her hands dripping wet as the door opened,

A cold breeze engulfing her as she comes in, seeing Sakura beside Eunbi's body as it looks like she's already done with what she needs to do, it has been 2 hours now after all,

Chaewon somehow felt relieved, it still amazes her how she and Sakura are in the same field yet she always finds the older cool and more professional than her,

Her pink hair, her cool personality, her being non-Korean yet she quickly adapted to their culture and traditions, even finishing a whole 10 year-long course in another language, she sometimes thinks how lucky she is that she met her.

"Yah! Kim Chaewon!"

Sakura shouted at her making Chaewon walk to her side, Sakura removed her latex gloves as she faced Chaewon,

Wiping some sweat of her face as she's been tensed ever since she started Eunbi's surgery

"I controlled the bleeding already, thankfully there weren't anything serious other than that, also look at this, I just received it a couple of minutes earlier"

Sakura signaled a staff to make the MRI screen face towards them, taking a deep breath, she tried her best not to trigger Chaewon as she knows every little thing could either be good news or bad news

"It looks like unnie's head hit the dash board earlier, thankfully there's no internal bleeding or fractures, there is a small sign of trauma so this might make her stay in an unconscious state for a day or two.......hopefully"

Chaewon squinted at the scan, seeing that what Sakura said was right, it may sound heavy but this is actually a lot more relieving, looking at her unnie,

Chaewon can't help but to feel overwhelm that in a matter of minutes something like this could happen.

"Has anyone from Neurology seen her MRI?" Chaewon asked just to make sure as they couldn't bet anything more on Eunbi,

Her state right now isn't the most stable so they need to get this off their plate, seeing Sakura look at nothing, Chaewon knew she's trying to remember it,

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