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With the others (I'm gonna do a POV :3)

Minho's pov.

Me Hyunjin and Jeongin walked into the meeting. I was irritated Hyunjin interrupted us. Totally not because of han, he was actually getting it down and the others needed help to. Yeah that's why I was irritated..

Chan cleared his throat. "Okay. I will ask this once and once only. What. The. Fuck. Happened." The leader looked furious. "I was in a bad mood chan. That was it." Rae was covering for us. She always does. "Shut up. We all know thats not the truth." "Chan-hyung if you weren't going to listen to her why ask." I stood up for her.

Honestly we were fine now. We had our monthly blow up at each other. Everything was fine. "Minho don't push it." He sneered. "Hyung you need to calm down." Jeongin was trying to help.

Chan pinched his nose. "Did they at least learn how to shoot?" "Yes but we werent done." Jeongin said so no one would get screamed at. "Okay, Changbin how's the trucks going?" "They are done. There was nothing." Changbin looked down. Truth be told her felt bad for wasting Felix's time.

"Wait what? How?" Chan was now just plain confused. It was supposed to be so much harder to get in. "Felix is extremely fast." Changbin shrugged. "Jeongin, are they good at anything else?" Chan questioned. "U-um. Seungmin is good at chemistry. We made a small bomb actually. It was fun."

"And han?" I asked. If they were good at stuff it would benefit us. But we had to be careful around them still. "I-i don't really know.." "Dammit. Well, what happened at the meeting." Rae butt in. "He threatened he would get han everything we expected." Minho blatantly stated "His name is Jisung." Jeongin corrected. "Jisung same thing. What's our next move?" "We wait. They will do some stupid shit soon they always do.." Chan spoke although he looked like he wasn't thinking about that.

Idk what to write lmao(^_^;)

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