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Damn its been a minute. Hi, we'll do Jisungs pov

The 8 boys were just finishing up dinner. "So what are we doing tomorrow?" Minho-hyung asked looking to the others. It was Chan who replied. "I have a meeting with our weapons man and I heard something about the Jee han tte transfering weapons. So when I'm done we could sneak and listen. Try to get any information about their plan." Chan finished glancing at his members faces looking for any objections.

Then I had an idea. "Why don't you install your cameras at there.. Wherever the fuck it is?" Chan glance at me. "If we tried the alarms would go off. Their camera would recognize us and we would get caught before we got the chance to place it." "Send someone it wouldn't recognize. Take out a guard or something and steal their outfit."

"Jisung, its not that easy." Minho interrupted me. "First we would have to find someone willing to do that and they would have to know how to set it up. Its not worth it." "How will you sneaking in be any less dangerous?" Seungmin questioned. It was nice to have someone to help argue.

"Enough already." Changbin rolled his eyes. "We don't have enough cameras and the audio is always fucked up." after the scary pizza slice said that, it looked like Lix had an idea. "Why don't you get a spy? Or would that not work." Felix asked. "Its hard to find people who are okay with months of torture." Jeongin said sarcasticly.

The silence was deafening. Everyone knew the next thing that was going to come from my mouth. And I knew they would all complain. "We- or I- or whatever could, um, be a spy."

"Fuck no." I was confused. I thought Felix would have said that. But no, it was Minho and he was fuming.. "They already want you. And you'd get killed on the first day." He said. "But they wouldn't expect it! Think about it. If I got good it would be a great plan-" he cut me off. "No Jisung. This isn't a game. People die and you're already on the hit list."

I looked to anyone to back me up. And then I saw Changbins perplexed expression. "Minho he has a point.. We can't hide them forever." Changbin said. "What? Youre saying just let them have them. I thought you of all people, especially since you've made googley eyes at felix the whole time, would understand." Minho said making felix blush. "I do understand but it would be a great hiding spot." Changbin challenged again. "Chan back me up on this. Its a stupid idea!" Minho looked to his leader. "I-I don't know.. I need to think." Chan said.

I finally saw it tho. Chan was stressed and looked sleep deprived. And then I looked to Jeongin. Who looked just as shitty as chan did. "Nevermind, it was a dumb idea. Chan you should get some sleep. Jeongin take him to his room. You look like shit too." I said, chuckling at the end to lighten the mood. But felix saw through me. He always does.

time skip

No ones POV

That night Jisung got a text from felix to meet him in his room. When he showed up Seungmin and felix were waiting.

"So what's the plan?" Felix asked. "What do you mean?" I responded. "We are obviously going to spy weather they like it or not. Do you have a plan it was your idea?" Seungmin crossed his arms.

"Umm.. I guess we get good and then leav-" "Thats a shitty plan." Jeongin walked in. "I- uh. jeonginie its not what it looks like." Seungmin freaked out. "Its okay. They will know Jisung off the bat. So Minnie and Lixie, you two have to get accepted. Then you have to catch Jisung. Try to be the best so you can escort him." Jeongin explained. "Youre good at planning.." Felix was shocked at the younger. But then again he was in a gang. He knew all this. "It pays off to always pay attention to the leader of your group." he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as he called his own crush out.

The boys went a bit more in depth and covered any loop holes they saw. Then they headed to bed. They had plenty of training to do in the morning.


Damn its been a while. I'm so sorry guys its been so fucking busy for me. I'm on break now tho so i can finally update regularly. Anygay congrats BTS on getting nominated for the Grammy's. They are shit and a bunch of white racist men but we all know you should have e won so congratulations💜
Love y'all (〜^^)

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