I Just Want to be Your Friend!

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It had been a week and Izumi still couldn't figure out a way to get Hari to befriend her. She had tried just about everything. The only thing she hadn't tried yet was just out right pestering Hari.

"Kacchan -"

"I don't want to hear it, Mi-chan. I am not helping with your crazy ass plan to get the third year to befriend you." Katsuki said, giving Izumi a look of exasperation as they walked through the school on their way home.

"But Kacchan, I just don't understand why he won't let me be his friend. He looks so lonely all the time." Izumi said with a huff.

"Mi-chan he told you, he's like that because his brother isn't with him."

"I know that's what he said but if he just had somebody to talk to outside of his brother than maybe he would feel happier."

"Mi-chan no." Katsuki said with a tone of finality. "If you keep doing this I'm telling Uncle Hisashi."

"No Kacchan you can't tell my dad. If you tell him he'll get mad at me and I won't be allowed to hang out with you for a week. What will we do if we can't hang out for a week?" Izumi questioned.

"Do you really think that Uncle Hisashi would ground you for a week?" Katsuki asked nervously.

"Yes he would. Especially because I'm pestering others, which we both know he doesn't approve of." Izumi stated.

"Fine I won't tell him, but I'm still not helping you." Katsuki said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"But Kacchan if I don't have your brilliant mind how could I possibly hope to come up with the most amazing plan ever?" Izumi questioned as she batted her eyes.

"That's not going to work Mi-chan."

"Yeah I guess you're just too much of a coward to accept such a challenging task." Izumi said looking away smug because she knew Katsuki would rise to the bait.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing. Just that you can't do such a simple task as helping me gain a new friend." Izumi responded confidently.

"Oh yeah?" Katsuki said, attempting not to set off an explosion.

"Yeah." Izumi said smugly knowing that she had just won.

"Fine, you know what? I'll help you get the stupid third year extra to become your friend." Katsuki responded, falling perfectly into Izumi's trap.

"Shake on it?" Izumi said knowing that if he went back on his word after the handshake she would never let him live it down.

"Yeah." With that said they shook on it.

"Now you can't go back on your word. Ha." Izumi laughed.

"SHIT! YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!!!" Katsuki screamed at the top of his lungs.

"You bet I did Kacchan!!! Remember if you go back on your word you'll never live it down." Izumi stated, giving Katsuki a look of victory.

Katsuki stared at Izumi with a look of annoyance. He couldn't believe he had fallen for that. Again. Actually scratch that he could believe he fell for that, he always falls for that.

"Whatever Mi-chan. If we're going to come up with this plan we better start soon because I'm not wasting a ton of my time on something like this." Katsuki stated.

"Okay. Well first we have to figure out the best time to pester Hari. I was thinking during lunch. Do you think that would be the best time?" Izumi asked inquisitively.

"Mi-chan I really don't think anyone wants to be bothered during their lunch." Katsuki said. "I know that if someone was bugging you while you ate lunch you would not be very happy about it."

"You're right Kacchan. As always. Well what about at the end of the time before he leaves? We could trap him in a classroom and only let him out after he agrees to be friends. What do you think?"

"That's a bit cruel don't you think Mi-chan?"

"I mean I guess. But what about-"

"You know if you're going to plot about how to forcibly make someone befriend you, you should probably do it where said person isn't going to hear you." Hari said from behind the two.

Izumi and Katsuki squeaked with surprise. "I d-don't k-know w-what you m-mean? We weren't do-doing anything. Right Kacchan?" Izumi stuttered out knowing they had been caught red-handed.

"I literally heard you. How could you possibly hope that I would fall for your lie?" Hari stated stoically.

"Fine you caught us. I just don't understand why you won't be friends with me. Would it really hurt you to have a friend?" Izumi said nearly in tears.

"I swear if she starts crying because of YOU I will personally put you in the ground." Katsuki said to Hari, preparing himself to attack Hari.

"Listen, if it really means this much to you, to the point you're going to cry, I will talk to my brother, if he says he doesn't care then I will give you a week to show me why I should be your friend. Deal?" Hari said irritated.

"Deal." Izumi stated, sniffling. Izumi held out her hand. Hari, reluctantly, reached for her hand and shook it.

"You will have his and my answer tomorrow." Hari said as he walked away.

"That went better than I expected and I didn't even have to pester him." Izumi said, smiling a million watt smile.

"Yeah. Let's head home Mi-chan." Katsuki said as he headed away from the school.

"Wait for me Kacchan! I can't wait for tomorrow!" Izumi said running to catch up with Katsuki.

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