A Reunion and a New Friend

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The family of three had just gotten to their new home when a woman with blond hair that looked as if she had stuck her finger into an outlet, came running out of the house next theirs.

"Inko!" The strange woman screamed as she ran towards their car, arms waving frantically in the air.

Inko looked at Hisashi and then after receiving a quick nod and grin, she quickly got out of the car and ran to the blond.

"It has been too long Mitsuki," Inko said as she embraced the blond woman. "Come on Mitsuki, you have to see how much Izumi has grown."

"Hang on Inko, let me get Katsuki." With this said Mitsuki turns toward her house. "OI, BRAT GET OUT HERE NOW!"

Inko looked a little shocked as to how Mitsuki called for her son. However, what surprised her the most, was the response.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW, YOU OLD HAG!" A small child, around the same age as Izumi, who looked just like Mitsuki just with more masculine features, said as he came running out the door.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT, YOU BRAT! Now Katsuki, this is my best friend and her family, the Midoriyas. They are our new neighbors. The tall, white curly haired, freckled face man is Hisashi Midoriya. The radiant green haired beauty is my best friend Inko Midoriya." Mitsuki explained as Inko was getting Izumi out of the car.

" And this our daughter Izumi." Inko said as she placed Izumi down. Izumi being the shy girl she is hid behind her dad when both pairs of ruby red eyes belonging to the blonds turned to look at her.

"Uh, he-hello. M-my n-name's I-Izumi Mi-Midoriya. I-It's ni-nice t-to m-meet you." Izumi stuttered out, very nervous to be meeting new people.

"Izumi, this is my best friend Mitsuki Bakugou and her son Katsuki. Mitsuki, where is Masaru?" Inko explained to Izumi before looking at Mitsuki and asking the question.

"Oh, Masaru is at work. He started his own fashion line. You know him, he has always been into creating outfits for people." Mitsuki said as she nudged Katsuki to introduce himself to Izumi.

"Hello Izumi, my name is Katsuki Bakugou and I am going to become the number one hero!" Katsuki proudly stated as he introduced himself.

"So you're a wanna be hero too? Are you gonna call me a villain like that other wanna be?" Izumi whispered almost afraid to hear the reply.

"Why would I call you a villain?" Katsuki replied, completely confused.

Hisashi, having overheard their conversation, knelt down next to Izumi to comfort her and so he was eye-level with Katsuki, spoke up.

"At Izumi's last school she accidently used her quirk and everyone started to call her a villain for what her quirk does."

"Well that's stupid. Who in their right mind does that?" Katsuki asked, infuriated that someone aiming to be a hero would do that. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your quirk Izumi?"

Nervously Izumi looked at her dad. "Go ahead pumpkin. I can tell by the way he reacted to what you said his response won't be bad." Hisashi said to encourage his daughter.

"W-well I actually have t-two. The f-first one is similar to my mommie's. It allows me to pull things towards me. The other one is the reason everyone called me a-a v-villain. My other quirk allows for me to feel other people's quirks and take them if I so choose to. I can also return their quirk if I want to." Izumi hesitantly stated, flinching when Katsuki opened his mouth.

"Those sound awesome. My quirk is explosions." Katsuki accentuated his statement by setting off an explosion in each hand.

"Woah, your quirk is so cool Kacchan."


"I am so sorry! I-I di-didn't m-mean to o-offend you. I just thought if we were gonna be fr-friends I should g-give you a nickname. Do you not like it?"

"It's not that I don't like it, 'cause I do, I just have never been given a nickname before. However, if you get to call me Kacchan, then I get to call you Mi-chan. Deal?"

"Deal, Kacchan."

"The kids seem to be getting along well. Is the bullying Izumi received the reason you all are back?" Mitsuki asked concerned for the little family.

"Unfortunately, yes. Poor little Izumi hadn't meant to use her quirk on the boy but, the boy had been bullying another student who was quirkless. Izumi couldn't just stand by like all the others so she did the only thing she could think of." Hisashi explained looking at his daughter with the saddest smile.

"She tries so hard and no one wanted to see that all she had done was be a hero for that quirkless student." Inko said as she stared at Izumi and Katsuki. "All she ever wanted was a true friend, which I hope she finds in Katsuki."

"I hope they find a strong friendship like ours in each other." Mitsuki said, happy that her baby boy would hopefully have a very strong bond with Izumi.

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