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[All the ties are red so I guess ignore the tie colors coordination?]



Days pass and school starts. The sun was shining brightly, beaming down at the ground and onto the passing people and objects made by mankind.

Acton was currently in a carriage with Alex and Cade, heading to the direction to the school. He still found himself feeling empty. He found it hard to eat even with the pangs of hungry and pain. He didn't sleep much either and it was obvious on his appearance.

He wondered why he felt this way, something he wondered if he would be any happier if he was still alive before. But he knew it wouldn't have changed, nothing would have, in a sick sense this body swapping made him realize what he had until it was too late. What he could've had. What he never will have anymore.

It stressed him out to realize his loss. He lost track of time, lost himself for a moment. He was really pathetic now that he thought of it. He ignored the concern look his 'mother' gave him, nodding with red eyes as she promised to write to him whenever she could.

He was helpless when it came to dealing with emotions now that he realized it, he never realized how numbed his emotions were until now, finally getting the real bursts and strong emotions of anger, sadness, guilt, and loneliness.

He didn't bother to make a conversation with the others in the carriage, staring outside the window but squinting his eyes for awhile as it was bright and he was locked up in his dark room the whole time.

Acton looked terrible. Even Cade seemed slightly curious about his mental and psychical state though he knows just as much as the butler and his parents. Cade only knew about the desperate and pitiful expressions Acton showed towards Alex simply because Alex told him. Cade didn't know what to think about Acton at the moment. Nor the thing Alex told him he felt because of Acton...

He found himself interested at the younger adult reactions. He couldn't grasp why his new brother would mop this much when he finally gained a stable life. He no longer needed to clean or worry about money so why did he breakdown? Cade couldn't help but find it strange. So much so that he found Acton interesting.

Acton on the other hand was just hoping college could distract him for awhile. He somehow found comfort in school. He never hated learning at times, it just depended on the teacher and how well they taught the subject. His whole life was surrounded by learning, he couldn't think of doing anything else but that.

He played with the end of his cardigan, feeling comforted by the fabric and thoughts in itself. He found that none of the main characters wore the cardigan much to his surprise but some mob characters wore it such as the pervious Acton. He was also wearing shorts, something the past Acton didn't wear though. The length of the shorts reaching above his knees.

He didn't bother to get his haircut, only a bit trimmed. In fact he didn't really dislike the look just the feeling of the strands brushing against his neck briefly. He didn't like the feeling of hair on his neck, it made him feel uncomfortable, especially when it was hot and it sticked to your nap when you sweat. Though why now it was at a moderate length, barely touching it.

Now that he thought of it, the characters were all introduced today, Acton concluding the creators were probably too lazy to make the heroine meet them individually. Today was also the ceremony where a bunch of monsters came out of nowhere and tried to attack the heroine only to be saved and helped by the capture targets to fight together to kill the monsters.

It was one of the reasons why Acton couldn't sleep much last night. He wish he came here earlier and got more knowledge about his new world and his ability to control plants. He doubt he could've even made a tree at the moment, maybe some spikes and stuff.

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