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TW: Attempted Suicide



You need to wake up Acton~


Acton jolted upwards in a sitting postion, his head earning a pang of pain as he looked at his surroundings. He froze at the sight, recognizing the plain room but not capable of figuring out where it was from.

"You better wake up or you'll be late for your graduation ceremony!"

He heard footsteps nearing to his door, slamming open to see someone that he remembered but at the same time couldn't recognize. "Geez, you don't even respond to your own sister anymore do you?" His eyes furrow, trying to focus at the figure's face but it was blurry, barely able to see the features of theirs.

"Sister?..." He muttered confused, unable to remember her name. His brain turned to mush at the confusing memories swarming back into his head, hearing a stern voice intrude the two's conversation. "What are you doing lazing around! Get up and dress up quickly! I didn't raise my son to be a lazy person!" His mom scolded harshly, walking away from the room to do something else.

The boy sat confused, also noticing at that split second that his mom's face was also blurred out. He couldn't understand what was happening, where he was, and who he was before and after. "Sorry." He mumbled, rising up from his bed and walking to the closet. His big sister scoffed, complaining about how he never listens to her even when it came to her recommendations of animes. She soon left the room, giving her brother privacy to change.

Acton grabbed the long fabric that had a silky feel to it, looking at the graduation hat besides it. He put on a set of modest clothing underneath and put the graduation clothing on him, looking at the mirror besides him. He flinched at the sight of the blurry face he had, touching his cheek to feel flesh. No matter how close he got to the mirror, he couldn't see his face, freaking himself out a bit.

The whole situation was weird to him but he tried to just play along, watching the figures that were supposedly his family run around the house trying to get ready. The sight of his stern dad sipping on coffee and sitting at the table brought him a nostalgic feeling. Yet the blurry face of his dad was off putting to say the least. He watched his father rise from the table, putting the coffee mug in the sink and walking towards the front door. He followed along as the two other females did so too.

His eyes squinted as the door opened, letting the sun leak in and beam down on his face. He stood there for a bit, admiring the outside of the city, though rushing towards the car as his sister yelled at him to hurry up.

The car ride wasn't very long, parking in the school's parking lot and seeing the sight of hundreds of plastic chairs be mostly occupied by other graduating students in the stadium. His family started to walk away towards the benches to take a seat, he himself scurrying over to his own. He tried to ignore the blurry faces but he couldn't help but look around if there was anyone without it. He stared upfront in disappointment, finding none.

The principle made a speech for the students, congratulating for finally finishing highschool, starting off by calling names and having certain students give speeches. He jumped in his seat when his current name was called out, feeling the eyes look at him even if he couldn't see them. He hung his head low and walked quickly towards the stage, standing before the principle who shook his hand and gave a firm handshake, congratulating and handing his diploma.

Acton stared at it in disbelief, reading the certificate with certain words blurred out, including his name. The principle starting off how he was one of his greatest students he had this year, explaining his achievements. The principle stepped aside, staring at Acton to show that he could speak next.

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