Truth Revealed

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Healing people helped ease his anxiety and racing thoughts. Though Acton couldn't ignore the feeling of constant sorrow and somnlence as he continued on, helping people and finding people he could no longer help. He tried to be positive that the death toll wasn't as much as before, hundreds of people dying while now was just around in the tenths digits but be couldn't be happy knowing people still died. it made him wish he was stronger and he wondered if those people who died would've be alive if he had just loaded the task off to his friends.

Acton shook away his thoughts and tiredness, his energy starting to drain each time he healed someone. Acton didn't know himself how he was still awake.

Lucien was quiet, trying to ease into the shadows and once and awhile glaring at people who were as equally hostile as him, seemingly having a strain relationship with practically anyone. Acton didn't comment on it though, feeling sympathetic as he thought Lucien was misunderstood for his appreance, often walking in front of him and trying to protect him just in case someone tried to get psychical.

The people who did seem hostile didn't do anything though, giving a pass to Acton while giving a sour expression to Lucien as they trusted Acton rather quickly, considering he was trying so hard to help others.

The action did not go unnoticed by the other male but didn't point it out either.

"Ah crap... Now that I think of it, they must know I've escaped by now..." Acton said suddenly, groaning at his piling worries. Lucien shot a curious glance as Acton hopped on a carriage, pulling Lucien inside by his hand. The male didn't say anything, more so observing the inside of the moving box.

"Who?" Lucien finally asked, earning another small groan as Acton was forced to think about them again. "My friends. I don't know what to do with you to be honest but I don't want to part ways with you now that I finally found someone who understands me..." Acton mumbled, scratching his cheek out of embarrassing. Though he lighten up as he thought about something.

"Hey, you're strong right?... You could be bodyguard or something!" Lucien sent a unamused stare at him, making Acton whine that it wasn't such a bad idea.

"We can say you saved me and helped me then they won't be too vicious towards you! Maybe... Well actually you technically did but don't worry, you'll get paid handsomely! I'll even share some of my sweets with you!" Acton pleaded desperately, even using his precious desserts to persuade his new friend.

Lucien only let out a dry chuckle, finding amusement at the rather strange boy.

"It'll be fine! Trust me!" Acton said confidently in a tired tone, patting the shoulder of the person sitting next to him in reassurance. But he was more so trying to reassure himself and keep himself awake at the same time.


It was in fact, not fine.

As soon as Sapphire found him, she dragged him to the council room where she met up with Emily who continuously scolded him. They didn't seem to completely notice the new person's presence that was trailing after them, only looking amused at their interactions. Or at least with Acton.

"We found him! Oh hey Mr.Colvert what are you doing here-" A yellow flash sparked, the teacher right in front of them and pulling them away from whatever agitated him. His yellow eyes glowed dangerous towards something, alerting the three friends. Acton looked where the glare was being sent, sighing in relief at the sight of just Lucien glaring back with a scowl.

"Oh don't worry he's a friend of mine-" Before he could reach out his hand towards Lucien he felt his wrist get harshly tugged towards a torso, staring up at Cade in confusion. He only noticed now how the rest were now guarded at his new friend, even Emily and Sapphire who didn't really seem bothered by him at first.

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