Chapter 3

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It was lunch time, [Y/n] walked towards her locker to put her books down only to see 30 love letters inside it. From both fanboys and girls.

[Y/n] sighed and put her books down and shut her locker door. She turned around only to be met by Oikawa and his best friend, Iwaizumi. Though Oikawa's face was really close to hers so that scared her a bit.

"You scared me you baka!" [Y/n] exclaimed and hit Oikawa on the arm, creating a red mark.

"Sorry! [L/n]~chan, wanna go eat with us?" Oikawa asked with his childish playful tone as he rubbed his arm.

"I'd rather eat alone." [Y/n] replied bluntly and started walking away. "We'll join you then!" Oikawa exclaimed, following behind her.

"Oi, leave her be." Iwaizumi whispered to Oikawa. "At least your friend knows privacy." [Y/n] stated, Iwaizumi snickered quietly in reply.

"I don't care, I'm eating with you!" Oikawa exclaimed as the three entered the cafeteria.

[Y/n] groaned in response, sitting on an empty table in the corner. And of course, Oikawa sat down with her and he also begged Iwaizumi to sit down which he did after denying 10x.

[Y/n] only kept eating her food, not bothering to talk to the two. But of course, Oikawa was very talkative and Iwaizumi was just silent like [Y/n] so basically he was talking to himself.

"Oh and I used to have this old teammate named Kageyama Tobio. He moved to Karasuno, also he's my rival." Oikawa muttered.

As soon as [Y/n] heard the name, she tensed up and her eyes widened.

"I also heard that he used to date someone at Karasuno but they broke up. I never expected him to date someone actually." Oikawa stated, eating his food.

[Y/n] swallowed a huge lump on her throat and frowned. Having the thought of him made her sick and upset. She hated him after what he did to her. She was so lost in thought that she didn't even notice that she was clearly murdering her food.

"Uhm, [L/n]~chan..." Oikawa called out, catching her attention. "What?" [Y/n] replied harshly, glaring at Oikawa while clenching her jaw.

"You're...hurting your [F/F]..." Oikawa pointed out as [Y/n] looked down at her food which was being squished to death.

"Sorry..." She muttered and slammed the food down on her bento as she ran her hands on her hair locks. Some bits of the food went flying here in and there.

"Are you okay?" Iwaizumi asked as he and Oikawa looked at the celebrity in concern. "Yeah...I'm fine." [Y/n] quietly said and sighed heavily.

"Here, have some milk bread!" Oikawa exclaimed, handing [Y/n] one of his food.

The [H/c] haired girl raised an eyebrow, giving him a weird look before shrugging and taking the milk bread.

"It's yummy, right?" Oikawa exclaimed as he took a bite of his food. " is..."


"Oi, Shittykawa! Hurry up!" Iwaizumi shouted at the brunette who was taking forever to pack his stuff.

"Alright, alright coming!" Oikawa exclaimed as he got out of the changing room. "Where's [L/n]~chan?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Iwaizumi asked. "You didn't invite her to walk with us?" Oikawa pouted. "Baka, you didn't tell me! And let her have some space, she clearly wants privacy." Iwaizumi scolded as they left the school.

"Sorry, I'm too dumb to know privacy." Oikawa jokingly said. "So you admit you're dumb?" Iwaizumi snickered. "That's not what I meant!" Oikawa exclaimed, waving his hands weirdly. "Clearly was." Iwaizumi stated.

As they were walking and talking, they heard ballet music, making them stop their tracts.

"What's that sound?" Oikawa asked, looking around. "Must be coming from that dance studio over there." Iwaizumi said, pointing at a light blue dance studio with bright yellow neon lights. "Let's check it out!" Oikawa exclaimed and grabbed Iwaizumi's arm, dragging him towards the studio.

"Geez, you never learn privacy..." Iwaizumi mumbled, letting the brunette drag him.

They stopped at the window and looked at who was dancing, turns out it was [Y/n].

"Woah! It's [L/n]~chan!" Oikawa exclaimed. "I heard that she does ballet in France once a year." Iwaizumi stated as the both of them watched [Y/n] dance in awe.

And that's when Oikawa got this feeling. A feeling for love.

He admired the way [Y/n] was dancing with a calm yet beautiful expression. Her lips were parted and her eyebrows furrowed a little. Her [H/c] haired ponytail bouncing up and down as she danced. Even if she wasn't wearing makeup, she's still beautiful in every way. (Remember, you don't need makeup to be beautiful, you're beautiful just the way you are with or without makeup😊)

When the dance ended, Oikawa and Iwaizumi clapped but [Y/n] didn't hear. The music was still on. Iwaizumi gestured to Oikawa to go home.

"Iwa~chan, I think I just fell for [L/n]~chan!" Oikawa exclaimed, hands clasped together as he rested his cheek on it. "You literally just met her." Iwaizumi said but the brunette did not hear him.

"She was so beautiful the way she danced! Her facial expressions were hot! I think I'm fanboying over her!" Oikawa exclaimed. "Oh gosh not the fanboy..." Iwaizumi muttered as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I will make her love me! Just you wait!"


[Y/n] sighed as she finished dancing and wiped the sweat off of her forehead.

Standing in the corner of the studio was her mother who was watching her dance. The woman walked towards her with her arms crossed as [Y/n] looked back at her.

"It was great." The mother said, making [Y/n] smile a little. "But, not good enough. Try harder." The mother continued, making [Y/n]'s smile drop.

"I am trying harder!" [Y/n] groaned as she drank her water. "You're not trying hard enough. Be the same level as your sister's. If you're gonna be 'World's Perfect Celebrity' then be perfect, not average." The mother scoffed.

"I'm not being average! And don't call her my sister!" [Y/n] shouted. "Hun, I'm a dance mentor and I took ballet classes in France, I know what's the difference between average and perfect. And, she is your sister. Just because we adopted you doesn't mean we're not family. And if you talk like that to me again I will call your father and prepare for what's next." The mother sternly said before walking out of the studio.

[Y/n] sighed as she leaned her back on the wall, sliding down to the wooden floor.

"'Family'?...tch, you don't even love me as a don't even treat me like're only using me..."

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