Chapter 11

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"It's been a long time, [Y/n]."

[Y/n] tensed up from a familiar voice as she froze in place, not wanting to turn around.

"What the fuck do you want?" She asked harshly, her mouth was closed but she was gritting her teeth.

"I want to talk to you...please." The person pleaded. [Y/n] felt him step closer to her, making her tense up more.

She sighed in frustration and finally turned around, but regretted it. "Make it quick, Kageyama."

Kageyama Tobio, Karasuno's first year volleyball setter. He met [Y/n] and her family during his junior high years and [Y/n]'s parents decided to put them in a forced relationship and Kageyama's parents agreed to that. [Y/n] loved him dearly, but Kageyama loved her sister, Kaori. They dated for about 3 months until Kageyama broke up with [Y/n] and started dating Kaori and that made [Y/n] hurt so badly especially when he used harsh words on her. She then started getting cold to him and her sister and began ignoring them ever since then but now it'll be hard to ignore them. (And if anybody asks, yes, you are older than Kageyama)

"[Y/n]-" "It's [L/n]." The [H/c] haired girl interrupted Kageyama with a harsh tone, making the raven haired boy sweatdrop and swallow a lump on his throat.

"[L/n]...I'm really sorry and I mean it." Kageyama said, sadness, shame and guilt filled his eyes.

"Why do you people always think that 'sorry' fixes everything." [Y/n] scoffed and turned around, about to walk in the gate but she was stopped by Kageyama who wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him, her back resting on his chest.

"I know it doesn't, but I'm really sorry and I was stupid to not realize that I love you all this time. I really miss you, I should've been a better boyfriend." Kageyama said, resting his face on the back of [Y/n]'s neck. "Please give me another chance."

There was silence for about a minute, the trees rustling in the background and car engines roaring in the distance.

"I'll think about it." Was all [Y/n] said before getting out of Kageyama's grip and went inside the gate.


"[L/n]~chan!" Oikawa exclaimed through the phone.

"What, Oikawa?" [Y/n] replied as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead.

"Why aren't you at school today?"

"I kinda promised my parents I have to practice my ballerina dance today."

"Oh, can I come watch after school?"

"Yeah sure, my dance studio is just nearby and it's color blue so you'll be able to see it properly."

"Okeh! Also, will you watch our match at Inter High? It's tomorrow."

"Yeah, I will. Who are you against in the first round?"

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