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A/n's pov

The whole dorm was at chaos like every day. Hobi was chasing Jungkook all-round the dorm.

Jin has banned RM from entering the kitchen.

Tae was eating chips while watching a movie beside a sleeping yoongi on the couch.


"AHHHhhhhhhhhhhh...." Jimin shouted from his room. Making everyone quite in the dorm.

"Wasn't it Jimin" Rm asked.

"Yes, I am going to see what happened to him." Yoongi said wide awake from his voice standing up from his seat.

"No!!!" Jin said sternly.

"Wha-Why?" Yoongi asked.

"You sit I am going to see what happened to him okay" Tae said going to jimin's room.

"Why does always tae goes whenever I try to help Jimin" Yoongi said pouting.

"Someone is to caring" Hobi said laughing.

"No I am not" Yoongi said trying to defend himself.

*In Jimin's Room*

Jimin's pov

"Shit how could I forget that I change in water" I thought to myself.


There was a faint knock on the door. I knew it was tae so I just asked him to come in.

"Jimin... where are you" he asked.

"in the bathroom" I said wiggling trying to come out of the bath tub.

" oh shi-... how did this happen." He said standing on the bathroom door.

"I accidently splashed some water on me and this happened..."I said still wiggling and struggling to come out.

"Wait a minute I am coming" he said coming towards me.

He picked me up the bathtub (in a bridal style) and brought me to my room and set me on the floor.
I rolled on my stomach and looked up at him. He used his magic to dry me so that I can change back easily. Only in a matter of seconds I changed (a/n: Yes he was wearing his clothes). After 15 mins we went down stairs.


"Are you okay jimin" Yoongi said coming closer to me.

"Y-Ye-Yeah" I shuttered due to the closeness.

"Did you get hurt or something." He asked coming more closer and putting his hand om my sholder and trying to find any injuries.

"N-Nope" I said trying hard not to blush.

Jin saw this and thought to save me from further questioning.

"Okay okay now come and eat". Jin said. He saved me like my fairy god mother.

I went near jin.

"thanks" I wishpered

"np kid but remember today at beach party try to stay away from the water" he wishpered. "tae will stay with you always okay." He said.

"oh okay" I smiled and went to have breakfast.


Hope you like it lovies

I purple you.

I purple you

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end of ch 2

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