check up

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*Next day*

After the check up all of them went to a hotel for their breakfast.

*at the evening*(this author is really lazy to describe the whole morning)

In evening they got the results


Height: 177cm

Weight: 80 kg


Height: 175cm

Weight: 70kg


Height: 172cm

Weight: 61kg


Height: 177cm

Weight: 72kg


Height: 176cm

Weight: 70kg


Height: 179cm

Weight: 69.9kg


Height: 181cm

Weight: 75 kg

(All of these are true information yes for now 2021 Jimin is the lightest member.)

Yoongi was shocked that Jimin was literally lighter than him which he knows is not good as he will get underweight if he refuses eating anymore to lose more weight. While jimin was very happy with his result.

Sorry for this shitty chapter I promise the next chapter will be long and try my level best to make you interested.

I purple you

I purple you

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End of ch7.

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