Midnight Melody

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(Y/n's pov)

(f/n) is usually always on time.

Today is my older sister's eighteenth birthday, and it's a super formal event with fancy clothes, fancy people, fancy decor, a lot of fancy stuff in general.

And unfortunately, my best friend (f/n) is late.

She never was. She always came early no matter what event it was. Even if I told her to meet me in an abandoned mansion in five minutes she would've been there in three.

But here she was, twenty minutes late. I checked my phone and she's online. I thought about texting her but immediately shook it off.

She's gonna come. I thought. Please, please, please come. I don't wanna be alone in an event with a bunch of people I never even knew I was related to.

I was standing beside the entrance of the party, my eyes trained to wait for someone to come by. It's been 45 minutes till an invited person new entered the party. Right now people are just doing whatever, drinking their martinis, talking, eating caviar, and playing poker. Boring.

I sighed and looked at the door once more. My eyes lit up and I broke into a smile. Someone's here! Finally!

I tried craning my neck to see who my mother invited, but they soon vanished. I narrowed my eyes, trying to envision the glimpse I saw before I felt a light pat on the crown of my head. I instantly turned around and, what a surprise, Ray was here.

"Well, you look happy to see me," he said teasingly. I suddenly recalled my expression of excitement when I saw someone walk through the entrance, and wanted to punch myself in the face for that.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him before looking back at the door. Wow, when that one person you don't necessarily despise but still would ditch them if a zombie apocalypse happened is earlier than your best friend. Says a lot about myself.

He shrugged before covering his face dramatically. "Oh, I wonder. Your mom kinda invited me last minute because she said you needed an escort. So of course, I accepted."

"Sorry?" I said. Please tell me I misheard. Or tell me I failed my science test, just anything but what I think I heard.

"You heard me correctly the first time. You needed an escort for your sister's party, so I said sure I'll be your date. No one told you?"

I shook my head. Is this some kind of joke? A nightmare? Because my best friend is still not here, which never happened, I was a wallflower till I saw someone, but instead, Ray's here for some reason. And now he's my date?! I never even needed a date in all my years of living! Why would I need one now?!

"Look, I even bought matching corsages, see?" He showed a lavender rose that was tucked in his front pocket before offering to put one on my wrist.

"Stop, I can put it on myself," I said. I then snatched the flower and tried attaching it to my wrist. But, just my luck, my hand couldn't bear with me and I failed to try to put it on.

"Here let me help," Ray offered. I tried thinking of all the worst scenarios that could happen if I allowed him to attach the corsage.

Surprisingly my brain couldn't think of any. "Alright fine. But no funny business or I'll kick you out and find a new date or something!"

"Relax. I'm not gonna do anything weird. Just stay still and I'll try to not prick you with the thorns. Don't want you to fall asleep in my arms for a hundred years!" he said. I blinked.

He started carefully slipping the corsage on my wrist. I started ranting. "Okay, first of all, it was a spinning wheel. Not a rose. Second, I'm not even gonna miraculously start sleeping "in your arms!" I said with finger quotations.

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