Never Look Through the Council Window

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(y/n)'s pov

We all woke up the next morning and quietly packed and left the campsite. My brain hurts from yesterday. First was the awkward morning, that enlightening talk with Norman, making up with Ray, and getting Emma and Norman together. I can't believe that all happened in one day.

"No, everything's fine," I said back as we piled into the car. It was probably around eight 8 am, and since we have gotten ready the night before, we just left right after we woke up. We're probably going to get breakfast once we arrive at Norman's place.

"Guys, when Norman and I got stuck in the shed, three random people opened the door and scared us to death," Emma said as we went on the freeway. "Right Norman?"

He seemed to be blushing. Oh, it's okay. We're safe! I thought.

"Wow, r-really," (f/n) said nodding slowly. "That's crazy."

Ray, (f/n), and I all breathed a silent sigh of relief, because last night, we could barely sleep because of what we witnessed. The fact that Emma and Norman didn't see it was us takes a weight off my shoulders.

"Wait, what happened?" Lily asked curiously. She sat in the seat in front of us, and I could hear Hisoka's voice in full volume. Lily has an intense fear and hatred of that guy.

"Norman and Emma almost got stuck in a horror movie," (f/n) answered. "They got locked in the shed, and three people opened the door but ran away after."

"Oh, scary," my sister replied. Thank you, (f/n), your skill of making little white lies and half-truths actually come in handy for once.

We all went silent for the rest of the drive. Ray started sleeping next to me. His head slowly leaned onto the seatbelt. Everyone was almost asleep, besides Norman, Lily, and me.

I used this free time to go on my phone and read some stuff. A few minutes later, we finally arrived at Norman's home. Lily and (f/n) went down and stretched. Norman gently woke up Emma, who ran to the trunk.

"Ray, wake up," I whispered. He was still fast asleep. "We're here now."

I poked his cheek multiple times. I almost gave up, when suddenly he sat straight, still tired. "Your hands are cold, (y/n)," he muttered.

"Oh, you're awake now," I said, backing away. He looked at me as he opened the seat in front of him. I didn't look at him as I picked up my bag.

"I've been awake," he replied, as he took my hand while I got off the car. I closed the door and we headed inside.

"Then why didn't you say anything?!" I asked, confused. "Were your eyes just closed the entire time?"

"No, I was actually sleeping at first," he said grabbing a plate of Eggo waffles. "I just wanted to see what you would do to wake me up."

I narrowed my eyes at him and I walked to the couch as Lily gave me an extra piece of toast. Thank goodness this weekend trip was over. That was a whole rollercoaster.

Time skip to the morning of Tuesday

We didn't have school yesterday since it was a national holiday, so we resumed classes today. I calmly walked to the council room. It was strangely quiet, because usually something chaotic would be stirring in there. But when I put my hand on the doorknob, I was instantly whisked away and into a dark janitor room.

Someone put their hands over my mouth. "What the hell?" I said, trying to remove the palm. "I have a weapon on me!"

"Shh, (y/n), it's me, Ray!" the voice said. "Don't go into the room. (f/n) is here with me, she came first and witnessed it with her own eyes from the window!"

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