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(y/n)'s pov:

Now that it was the end of the day, we all quickly went home to get our stuff. After I picked up my sister Lily from her elementary school.

"Alright, Lily I'm sure you finished packing, so we're just gonna travel to a friend of mine who'll be our driver," I said, holding her hand as we left the door.

"Who?" she asked, tightly holding her backpack.

"Norman, you don't know him yet, but he's the only person who has a driver's license right now," I explained, forgetting she probably doesn't even know who Norman is.

"(y/n), who's Norman?" she asked curiously. We finally arrived in front of his house.

"You'll see, we're here now," I whispered. I rang the doorbell and I felt Lily hide behind me. Emma opened it, and I saw past her shoulder that everyone was already here.

"Hi, (y/n), you're just on time, we've been waiting for you," she greeted, making a little wave. She then noticed Lily behind me. "And who's this little one?"

"Oh, she's my little sister, Lily," I stated, all three of us walking inside. We all placed our bags in the pile of luggage in the kitchen.

Norman lives alone, in a house he was given by a friend of his. Emma usually sometimes stays over. I've only been there twice, once for a school-related meeting, and the other on Christmas Eve.

Lily seemed scared. She never liked being in new environments, even if it's a relative. So I held her hand the entire time as Emma gave both of us a glass of water.

"So you're Lily right?" Norman asked kindly. He crouched in front of her, so she doesn't need to look up as much. He was always really good with children. "I'm Norman and the girl with orange hair is Emma. I'm sure you already know (f/n) and Ray."

She nodded and didn't say anything, as she hid behind me. "Can I go talk to Ray?" she whispered.

"Yeah sure, go ahead," I whispered back. She then walked to him. "Sorry, my sister never really was comfortable visiting new places."

He laughed pleasantly. "It's fine, she seems really well-behaved."

"Trust me, she's not. She's a wild animal in our own house," I explained giggling.

I went to where (f/n) was sitting and she was currently writing an essay. "You still haven't done the book report?"

"No, I've been procrastinating on it, but lucky for me, I've found an amazing story on Archive of Our Own," she explained, typing quickly.

"Does stories on Ao3 even count?" I asked, peering over her shoulder. She hummed, which I took as a "yes."

"I asked Mr. Leslie and he said it's fine as long as there are a title and author, which there is," she answered. She was currently in the second paragraph.

"Oh, then what story did you pick?" I asked, trying to see what she's writing. Unfortunately, her text is really small and my vision is getting worse. I might need to get glasses soon.

"This life-changing story called Seven Minutes," she replied. "I read it, and I can't look at Eren the same way."

"Eren? From "Attack on Titan?" I inquired. She nodded. "Seems interesting."

I looked over at Lily and she was currently conversing with Ray about red-velvet cupcakes. Recently, she has been occupied with trying to learn how to bake, and Ray's been teaching her.

"I baked a batch for your mom as you said," I heard him say. "Are you sure this is gonna work?"

"Yes. Our parents are fine with any guy as long as they don't do anything bad to (y/n). But if you do, you might as well change your identity and fake your death," Lily said, scaring him.

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