The Aftermath

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Random council one-shots

I decided on writing short stories that won't go in any order whatsoever, but still will be related to the student council.

And this is how everyone learned of how (y/n) and Ray confessed:

(y/n)'s pov:

Going back to school after what happened seemed to be impossible. I stood outside the council room, kind of scared about what awaited inside.

To clear things up, was my mind really working correctly during that time? The answer is no, definitely not. Was I upset with how things turned out, however? I'm okay though. I'm actually relieved.

I opened the doors and nodded my greetings. "Hi (f/n), hi Ray."

I was the third one here. Ray smiled at me, as (f/n) waved. I sat across the both of them. Damnit, this is more nerve-wracking than I thought.

"You look pretty today, (y/n)," Ray stated, smiling as he ate a piece of toast. Back then I would have insulted him, but now, for the first time, I was tongue-tied.

"Oh, t-thanks," I answered. I tried not to look at him. Obviously, he still remembered that afternoon, it was just yesterday, but we're just going to continue like it never happened?

I honestly felt disappointed.

This is just a train wreck. How do I explain this? I mean, I'm glad for each other, but what do we now? Like, do we still hate each other? Have we even despised each other back then? Or was that just us trying not to give in?

Usually, in novels and shows, when the two love interests confess, they start dating right? Therefore, is that really the case for us?

I have way too many questions. See, this is exactly the reason why I leave all the romantic stuff to (f/n).

"You guys are acting weird again," (f/n) said as she stared back and forth from the both of us. "And you're gonna tell me why. I'm so lost with what the hell is going on between you two, and something certainly happened when I left, so one of you, spill it. Now."

"You're so perceptive!" I complimented. Usually, she likes receiving good things about herself, but she ignored it this time.

"Yeah? You sure about that?" she asked. She put down her pen. "Then what did I see last night outside the inner window?"

My eyes widened and I glanced at Ray. He even seemed surprised. I forgot people could see through that! "Nothing, you were probably hallucinating!" I exclaimed.

She blinked and crossed her arms. "Then Ray. What did you do with (y/n) yesterday when you guys cleaned the aquarium?"

It was like an interrogation, and we committed a federal offense. I looked at the clock, which showed that Norman and Emma should be coming soon.

(f/n) could be scary. Her eyes could show no life, only empty darkness, and her words could command an ocean to stand still. For example, right now, where she demanded a response from both of us.

"We're fine," Ray replied. I could tell she still didn't believe him. (f/n) is the type of person to do whatever it takes to get the answer she wants. She narrowed her eyes. "We didn't do anything."

She sighed, and I could see she was plotting something. She closed her eyes and yawned. "That sucks. I told Lily that you guys were actually an item, and look at where that brought me. How sad."

(f/n) inspected her nails, as Ray and I glimpsed at each other for a split second. My face went warm after that.

"Just because you saw what happened yesterday doesn't give you any right to tell everyone," he said. (f/n)'s eyebrows raised.

And at that point, I realized. Ray and I screwed up and fell into her trap.

"Wait a minute," she started, standing up. "First of all, I already left the minute school ended. I didn't even get to wait for you people. Second, I never told your sister anything, I just said those things to see if I could pry something out."

(f/n), you traitor.

"And it looks like I'm right," she said, smiling. "So I'm gonna ask you what happened one more time. If you don't tell, I will spend my afternoon looking at all the security records from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm. I recommend telling me this moment."

Ray's cheeks went red after that, as I gazed at the ground. "If I tell you, can you not say it to anyone else?" I asked softly. I can't believe this.

She nodded eagerly and I led her out. Having Ray with us while I informed her would just make it more embarrassing. I explained quietly what occurred yesterday. "That's it," I finished.


That was her first response. She looked like she was going to start hyperventilating. (f/n) took deep breaths and tried to recollect her thoughts. This was apparently important news, I guess.

She screamed and had to pace back and forth. "So I did it! I did it! I'm the bestest ever! Who's the greatest? I am! I win at life! I brought you guys together!"

Together, together, together, the corridor repeated. I facepalmed before dragging her inside. She did a little skip before serving herself another cup of tea. I forgot that the hallway echoes.

"So, what's the deal now?" she asked us, grinning. We shrugged, completely lost now. Norman and Emma simultaneously came in, and just as I expected, (f/n) told them everything.

"Guys, did you know that (y/n) and Ray became a thing now?" she said, as they gasped in delight. "I know, right? And it's all thanks to me!"

"I'm so happy for you two!"

"We can all go on double dates!"

"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry but no."

"Don't forget me! I'm now a fifth wheel."

Forget passing out of embarrassment. I'm already digging my grave.

Extended ending

"So you guys weren't boyfriend and girlfriend already?" Lily inquired. She was eating a cookie when we came home and didn't seem all that surprised. "I thought it was obvious you were dating him (y/n)."

I wondered how uneased I looked right then.

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