In which I screw with gangs and glowy stones

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I looked like a zombie screwed with a gang and got beat up.

For days in a row........

I need coffee.


That was the only thought going through my head as I speed walked towards the nearest coffee shop. I glanced around as I got closer and that's when I saw them. 'The Gang' as I had so classily dubbed them. They weren't really part of a gang, at least I'm pretty sure there're not, they just ride around on their motorcycles in their black leather jacke- yeah okay maybe they were in a gang. I know. How stereotypical of me. Boo hoo cry me a river.

But that was besides the point, because just like me, every morning they chose to come here, our posh neighborhood Starbucks (note my sarcasm) and get their daily dose of drugs with creamer, sugar, and the occasional cake pop.

Today was different though. Studs, who I had named after the fact he always wore earrings, was wearing something different today. It hung from his ear and- was it........glowing?

Now I don't consider myself stupid.


But the following events are proof that just because you have a job and a shitty apartment and finally moved out of your parents house doesn't mean you have more then two brain cells.

The following is proof of my scientific and highly intelligent discovery:

Fatal Mistake #1: That I walked up to the guy in the first place.

Fatal Mistake #2: I called him sparkles.

Fatal Mistake #3: I asked him if he was into chimichangas.

Now let me stop right here.

You will know learn a valuable life lesson kids:

Never go up to a guy that wears only one earring and looks like he could beat you up in a questionable Starbucks before you've had your Monday morning cup of coffee, and call him sparkles. Or ask him out for chimichangas. Or touch HIS DAMN EARRING.

And there you have it folks.

Fatal Mistake #4: I touched the earring. And then I passed out.

Just kill me now.


SUPER short chapter cause I felt like stopping there, but like i said, Imma have weird update habits, so uh yeah

Adios mi compadres! 

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