Loona x M imp reader 4

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Requested by: Jazz2064

This one shot takes place during the events of the end of episode 3.

You are the company's combat medic, with your specialty being to take care of your employees when sudden injuries occur. However, the events that occurred on the living world beach were some of the finest and most praised moments in your career that you will never forget.

When the succubus, Verosika, tossed her can filled with a mysterious fluid in the ocean, a huge, toxic, fish demon began to terrorize the beach of the living world.

To Moxxie's misfortune, he was too drunk to care. As the beach was filled with screams, he was filled with alcohol, with Millie discovering him in a cooler full of beer.

"Miiillliiiiiiiieeeee! Haii!" He said rolling on the ground.

As his perception told him of his wife having four heads, Millie picked him up from the ground and simply responded with a grin.

In fact, he was actually impressed with the giant monster. "Oooooh.. Fish!" He points at it. The monster's tongue then wrapped around his little body and carried him into its mouth.

It was now left up the her to rescue him. Quickly, she stabbed a sunburned fat human and used his bottle and shirt as a molotov. However, she was a little messy and accidentally burned her fingers as she threw it.

It did, though, burn the monster more than it burned her. Through all the fighting and struggling, she finally managed to save her husband and kill the huge beast, with the exception of now having a few cuts and bruises.

During the whole phenomena, Loona was too busy hanging out with her crush, Vortex. However, as everything progressed and came to a conclusion, she, too, would fall from grace, finding out that the one man she truly liked had a girlfriend.

The poor hellhound, then, will continue to be trapped in imagination and desire, nearly burning her to the core... So it would seem.

"I can feel myself rot," a ghostly subconscious whispered to her.

Before the gang returned to Hell, you were seen Millie bandaging her wounds caused by the sea monster she fought earlier.

"Oh, thanks, Y/N." She kindly grinned.

"Eh, I can do a better job when we get back to the office. But I suppose it'll do for now." You kindly say.

"Well, whatever you do, I assure you that it is greatly appreciated."

Conveniently enough, the portal took the gang back to the parking lot, and Blitzo gave his rather embarrassing victory dance.

Normally, this would make Loona cringe, telling him to stop. But, she remained looking at the ground with depressed looks.

"Can you guys excuse me for a second? I need a minute."

"Sure thing, Loonie! I'll just be here rubbing my ASSHOLE on Verosika's barbie wagon!"

"Yeah..." She then disappeared into the nearest alleyway.

You and M&M then went back in the office, where you would, then, finish bandaging up Millie.

"There and there," you proudly remark.

"Aww, thank you! I look good as new, now!"

"Be sure to take it off, eventually, though. You don't want bacteria building up on that area. And no, it doesn't matter how much first aid solution I put on it."

"I got a booooo boooooooo!!" The emotional Moxxie interjects as he falls on his face.

"Oh, don't mind him, Y/N, he's just drunk."

You chuckled. "Yeah, I would have figured. Say, have you seen Loona anywhere? Does she need any work done?"

Millie responds putting her hands on her hips. "I don't know. She said she had to go somewhere. Which is kinda not like her since she always returns to the office. Which is, also, ironic seeing how she is always late to her job."

"Hmm. Let me see if I can find her." You got up from the couch, carefully stepping over the drunk, passed out imp on the floor.

"Good luck with that one. That woman is mighty unpredictable, I'll tell ya that much."

"I'm aware." You gave a disappointing, yet agreeable smirk.

As you left the building and began to walk down the sidewalk, you see a familiar silhouette as you looked down one of the alleyways.

Curiously you walked down the said alley to find that it was actually Loona. And by the sound of it, through her pained whimpering and sniffling, she was crying.

You then sat with her out of comfort and dared yourself to speak. "Hey."

"What the fuck do you want? Go away!" The hellhound responded in a shaky and weak tone. She covered her tear-soaked face with one her of hands out of embarrassment.

"Do you mind telling me what's wrong?"

"Do you even fucking care?! I had a bad fucking day! There, is that a good enough answer?!"

"I'm literally the company's doctor. I'm supposed to care."

Her voice dropped a little "What I have you can't heal, I'm afraid."

"Bullshit. Demons can do things in Hell that the living cannot."

Loona put the hand that covered her face on her lap, revealing the ugly feeling she had.

"Can you heal a broken heart?" She looked into your eyes.

Your face quickly turned to deeply serious, as though you had a reserved fear and concern for her safety and comfort.

Immediately, you wrapped your arms around her, and she sobbed like a baby. Her arms quickly secured around you and her claws gripped onto your shirt from behind.

"Thank you," she said multiple times in your chest, eventually letting go of you. Afterward, she grabbed a cigarette from her pocket and lit it.

She sighed the smoke out of her lungs and tiredly said, "I'm pathetic," looking at the brick wall in front of her.

"I thought it was pretty brave for you to cry in front of me like that. It's healthy, too."

She smiled. "Hmph, don't take it too personal."

"Technically, I'm not a person, so I can't," you joke.

A giggle came out of her nose. "Shut up."

"Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, or need someone to hug, for example, here's my 'card'." You winked, handing Loona a piece of paper that had your phone number drawn on it.

She then responded by giving you a card of her own. "Here's my card if you ever need me." She handed you the card after she was done writing her number, and kissed you on the cheek.

Both of them left the alley to pack their things since it was 5 PM and the day's work at IMP was coming to a close.

Back and forth, you two texted and called each other, asking if one or the other might come over and spend the night. Overall, the relationship between Loona and Y/N happily grew and strengthened, one phone call at a time.

Helluva Boss: Loona one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now