Loona x Human! Nerd! M! reader

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Requested by: AnsonSauer

One morning, you woke up after a pleasant sleep from last night. Normally, every night was the same. You put your phone on its charger on the nightstand, you strip to your boxers, and have a glass of warm milk, always eager for the next day of learning at the college you attended.

Yes, you had bullies ready to torment you. More than your fair share, in fact. Of course, when you try to reason with staff, however, they simply explain to you that you are a grown man, and that you should face your own problems.

You took this reason as their way with being on the bullies's side. Because of this unbelievable mistreatment, you were ultimately very shy, only talking to people that you know wouldn't hurt you: yourself.

That morning, you flew out of bed since you realized you were off-schedule to your daily routine. You did not hesitate to scrub your teeth, put on a fresh new dress shirt, fasten your favorite bowtie, and lay down your bed hair.

When you got to school, you were always prepared for the worst. Physical and verbal abuse was usually the norm for you. Some of the things they have said should not even be mentioned here.

Secretly, you were really attracted to one particular female that always made your day just a little bit more bearable. One of the college team's cheerleaders, Loona.

You kept your distance from her, though, as with everything else. No one wants some ugly freak tainting the gentleness of beauty.

"OOOOOOPS" One of the oversized athletes sarcastically said as he rammed into you like a train. The reaction made you drop your papers all over the floor and crack one of your glass lenses.

This feeling you had was nothing new, though. The feeling of being completely hollow and worthless. Who could you really run to when you have nobody?

Suddenly, a familiar woman ran up and helped you pick up your stuff.

"Fucking assholes." She muttered. "Are you ok, Y/N?"

You looked up and saw that it was Loona, making your face turn red. "Heh, yeah." Your tone went from nervous to depressing. "It happens all the time."

"Really? From the sound of your voice you don't seem to be 'ok'."

A voice came behind you and her. "Ugh, Loona. What are you doing helping this filthy nerd?"

She turned around. "Mind your own fucking business you selfish whore BITCH!"

"Ugh, whatever, come on, ladies." The voice responded.

Loona pulled out a card  with her number on it from her pocket and kissed it. "Well, if you need anything else, you know where to go." She then handed you the card. "But don't follow me around school because, well, you know why... It puts a dent on my reputation."

You remained squatted there, speechless. Meanwhile, Loona stood back up and began to walk away.

 She turned her head and hissed as she pointed to the card in your hand."Put that away." You did so as you put it in your shirt pocket.

Thankfully, the interaction between you and her was forgivable, according to her social group. Clearly, she thought you were cute, or she wouldn't have been so open with her body language, nor would she have given you her whole ass number.

The guilt you felt about simply existing temporarily washed away, as you had a date with the hottest person in school. You thought that it was a "person", anyway.

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