comfort character

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this one is based on real-life events that I went through (except I saw tom in my dream) so this is tom riddle being my comfort character but I made it tomxreader one so enjoy

"You are not enough!" your mother's voice echoed in the big room. "Look at this exam result!" she shoved the paper in your face. "You think this is good?! God, you are such a disappointment." she shook her head in disgust. "(your mother's name) I think that's en-" "No it's not (your father's name)!" she screamed. "This kid is stupid! She is ugly, she doesn't how to do anything!" "ENOUGH!" You yelled. "YOU THINK I'M NOT TRYİNG? YOU THİNK THAT I JUST WANNA BE A LAZY ASS GİRL THAT DOESN'T HAVE A FUTURE?!" "Honey that's not what your mother-" "YOU CALL HER A MOTHER DAD?! ALL SHE EVER DOES İS SHOUT AND MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A PILE OF SHIT!" Tears slowly fell from your eyes. "I wish I was never born!" You yelled and climbed the stairs in a hurry. (this part is real)

You locked the door and slid down to the floor. You sobbed in your hands quietly, not wanting anyone to hear. 'am I really that ugly?' you thought to yourself and cried harder. You laid on the couch in your room and hugged your pillow. Suddenly you heard a sound from your window. You walked towards it and opened it. "Tommy!" you crşed out and hugged him as soon as he entered your room from the window. "Shh.. darling" he hugged you tightly, pressing you to his well-built chest. He caressed your hair softly while you cried in his embrace. He slowly lifted you up and made you sit on his lap while he sat on your couch. He smiled softly at you and caressed your cheeks -that were wet from your tears- with his thumb. "Who made my darling so sad? Hm?" He asked. "My.. My-" you started to cry again. "Is it your mom again?" you nodded sadly. "Why did she shout this time doll?" He said softly. You could sense the anger in his soft voice. "Be-because her friend's daughter got 98 and I got 96." (this part is real too. The exam note part) "She is a stupid woman who doesn't know how to appreciate her beautiful daughter" he said and kissed your hair. 

"You know.. You should move in with me." Your eyes shot open. "Really? Why tho.." you asked, quite surprised. "So I can get you out of this... hell hole. And they don't appreciate you here." he said. "So.. Y/N, will you move in with me?" You nodded happily. "Alright, then let's pack your clothes darling"

You went down the stairs with Tom. Both of you were carrying some bags. "Where are you going? To the strip club to earn some money?" (irl I was going to the market to buy sleeping pills and she said where are you going? to the mental hospital? cuz I'm depressed lmao) "No. in fact, she is moving in with me." Tom said sternly and took your hand. "Let's go Y/N." "Bye dad.." you sadly waved at him. He had tears in his eyes. you ran and gave him a quick hug. "Don't cry, I will be happier there" Then you ran to Tom. He held your hand tightly and you slowly walked out of the door...

Tom Riddle OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now