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Wang's mansion.

Wang Yi opened his eyes and found that it's already so bright outside, he can see it through the glass wall inside his bedroom. He moved his body slightly and noticed the thing on his arms, he sat up and raise the picture frame on his hand looking at it with deep emotion in his eyes.

The picture inside the frame was taken when he's 7 seven years old. It's his birthday back then, two little handsome boys smiling to each other so happily, a woman standing behind them smiling so widely. It's the three of them, that two little boys was him and Dr. Xiao and the woman was his mom Yiran.You can tell that, that moment was captured beautifully. This picture frame has been in this room when he was still seven and still here until now, and due to his loneliness feelings last night he unconsciously embraced it and fell asleep on his bed.

After being in a thought for a while he then got out of the bed and put the picture frame on his night table where it has always been placed. He went downstairs and found no one in the living room, as always, whenever he wakes up Dr. Xiao's no longer here, already left for his work. Since he's injured he might just call school and ask for absence from class because he can't attend classes with this situation. He walks slowly and carefully because when he moves the wound would ache and it stings.

He got it from practicing skateboarding again last night, he lost his balance and tried to avoid from falling on the ground but things just gotten worse and he landed with full strength and got his leg injured, even if he always had small accidents from this kind of risky hobbies of him he's still a human and can feel pain, of course he couldn't be immune with that.

Picking up this kind of hobbies is really risky, skateboarding and motorcycle racing isn't everybody's type of things to do, it's not everyone's cup of tea, just only few people and those who're brave enough who  would try it. He picked the two up because it's already into his liking since he was a child, but back then he can only ride a bike and it's Dr. Xiao who helped him. He's the one who taught him everyday, making sure he's safe and wouldn't fall by assisting him with the bike, and whenever he gets scratches he's the one who'll treat him because he doesn't want anybody to touch his wound, if it's someone else he felt that it's really hurt and painful, but if it's Dr. Xiao the wound would only hurt a little, he trusted  him so much.

He walked into the dining and there he found aunt Wen. The lady seem to notice his presence and turned her head.

"You're up? Sit and have breakfast, you're just on time, I already heated everything up, especially the porridge" she said smiling.

He didn't say anything and just sat down on the chair. Aunt wen assisted him, he saw a bowl of porridge in front of him. The very familiar porridge that he always eat everyday, he knows who cooked it and it's for him.

"You child, how's your leg? Does it hurt?" She ask worriedly.

"It's a little better now, just hurts a bit" he responded calmly.

Aunt wen sighed. "Next time you should take it easy, you know we're all worried about you. Especially Dr. Xiao, he gave us the medicine and told as to make you drink it. He knows you don't like taking it but you have to" she said pouring him some water on his glass. That's what indeed  Dr. Xiao instructed them, hearing the name aunt wen mentioned it made him fell silent while staring what's in front of him.

"Um" he said after a while and started eating his favourite porridge.

Aunt wen just smiled while watching him and continued her undone work.

After finishing his breakfast he went into his room again, this time uncle Tian helped him walked into the stair up through his room. He left the medicine on his table and gave him a glass of water to drink and left him so he can rest again.

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