3. December

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Toms Pov.:

"Guys i swear if you do things like yesterday, then i'm going to kill you." he said in the kitchen.

"We just want to help you guys. You're made for each other." Harry said.

"Yeah he is right. It's a mystery why you guys aren't together." Haz said.

"Because she don't feel the same. She sees me as a best friend or worst like a brother." he said.

"What are you guys talking about ?" she came in the kitchen.

"Oh look who wants to join us. Y/N it's 11 am." Haz said.

"Oh really. Sorry." she went to Haz and hugged him.

Am i jealous ? I don't know, but why didn't she came to me if she want a hug ? What if she likes Harrison ?

Y/N Pov.:

"I think you should hug Tom and not me." Haz said quiet in ma ear so no one could hear it.

"Wait he is here ?" i turned around and saw Tom. "Tommyyyy." i said and ran to him for a hug."Sorry i didn't saw you."

"It's okay darling." he said and kissed my head.

The hole day we just chilled on the couch. We all had nothing to do. No one had a job to do.

"Y/N are you coming ?" Tom screamed from the kitchen.

"Yeah give me a second." i said and brushed trough my hair once again. Then i ran down.

"You look good." Haz said. "Right Tom ?"

"Uhm... yeah, you look stunning." he said. Because it was just a normally family dinner i wore a long skirt with a tight, black, long sleeves shirt.

"Thanks, but you guys also look very handsome." i said and we all walked to the car.

"I'll drive." Tom said and i sat in the passenger seat, so that Haz and Harry sat in the back. The boys talked in the back and Tom had his eyes on the street.

He really looks handsome. Damn his hands around the wheel. Why is that hot ? His arms flexing trough that shirt. His jawline. I wanna cut my bread with that. Why are his eyes so stunning ? I want his lashes. Stop thinking like that Y/N. He is you bestfriend. Wait do i have a crush on him ? Nope thins can't happen. Fuck feelings.

"If i would be you i would stop staring, before he sees it." Haz whispered in my ear. Fuck.

"And we're here. Everyone out, i think they are waiting for us." Tom said. We all went to the restaurant when Haz pulled me away.

"Be honest." he said but i looked at him confused. "Don't play dumb, you know what i talk about."

"Actually i don't." i said but i could imagine what will come next.

"Do you like Tom ?" he asked.

"Of course i like Tom. He is my best friend like you." i lied but turned a little red.

"Not that way dumb ass. You like Tom different than you like me or Harry. Do you have a crush on him ?" he smirked.

"Okay what i'm going to say, stays with you and me, no one else." he nodded. "Maybe i have a little little crush on him. Buuut i can't do that. Than would risk my hole friendship with him. So tell nobody so that i can hide my feelings until they are gone." i said and then we walked in the restaurant.

"Y/N, Haz. Nice to see you again." Dom said and hugged us.

"Nice to see you also." i said. "Hey Sam, Hey Nickie." i both hugged them.

"How is filming, movie star." Sam said.

"You know that i'm not a movie star so stop saying that all the time. But thank you, it was great." i smiled.

"Y/N !!!!" Paddy ran to me.

"PADDSTER." i said and we hugged. "How is my favorite Holland brother ?"

"Hey." Tom said and i laughed.

"I'm great thank you. I missed you. But could you do something for me ?" i nodded. "So there is this girl, Emily, she is the daughter of the Stones. I really like her so if you would we so nice, when you talk with her to say some nice things about me ?"

"Oh does the Paddster habe a crush on her ?" i smirked.

"Shut up. Will you do it for me ?" i agreed and we both went to the other family to greet them.

After dinner we all decided to go outside for a campfire. We all talked about traditions on christmas.

"So Y/N, tell us more about you. Do you have any tradition on christmas ?" Mr. Stone said.

"Actually no, i didn't celebrate christmas the last 3 years because of jobs." i said.

"Oh than would your parents be lucky that you are this time home." he said but everyone went quiet. "Did i say something wrong ?"

"No no it's fine. It's just that my parents are death." i said.

"Can i ask you why or how ?" Emily asked.

"Emily !" Ms. Stones said.

"No it's okay. My parents died 2 years ago at a plane crash." i said a little sad.

"Oh i'm sorry but where did you live then ?" Emily said.

"They died when i was 21, so i could have lived on my own. But i already lived with Tom, Harrison and Harry together." i smiled.

"Okay." she said and we all went to a normal conversation back.

"I'll go for a walk quickly." i said and went away to the water. I wanted to be alone. The topic with my parents death was really tuff to handle again. Luckily i had jobs the last years but this chistmas i would be alone.

"Y/N ?" Tom said from behind me.

"Hey Tom, what do you want ?"

"You looked sad and i wanted to check on you." he said and came closer.

"I'm alright, i just never really talked about the death before since the funeral." i let our a little tear.

"It's okay, don't cry." he hugged me deep. "You know that you don't need to talk about this."

"I just really miss them." i began to cry in his chest. "I really do."

"I don't want to say that i understand but i can imagine how it would feels like. But want i know is that they are very proud of you okay ? Look what you did with your life. You're nearly that famous as me and than in a way shorter time. How couldn't the be proud of you. And we're also proud of you. And you know you can always count on us, on me. I'm sure also your brother."

"Thank you Tom." i pulled away to look at him. "Thank you for always saying the right things at the right time."

"I will never leave you." he pulled me back in a hug.
"I love you." but more as a friend Y/N.

"I love you too." but more as a friend Tom.

"Y/N , Tom, come back we want to leave." Sam screams and we went back arm in arm.

"You okay hun ?" Nickie asked.

"Yeah it was just a long day." we hugged and then they went away.

"Are you guys now a couple ?" Harry asked me.

"What ?"

"Haz told me everything and you two were long away." i glared at Haz but he just smirked at me.

"If you tell anyone than your death. And no we're not. He doesn't feel the same so it doesn't matter what i feel." i said and walked away to our car.

"Whatever you say Y/N." he said from behind me.

December | Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now