Cole gave me a reassuring smile, probably to ease my nerves a bit.
"Sit down Luna, we have a lot to discuss," Isaac said.
Oh no, I was in trouble wasn't I.
"We saw your ankle, what happened? Please don't lie to us." he continued.
"I-uh." was all that came out my mouth, I didn't want them to know about the past.
"Please Luna, we won't judge you. We are your brothers and care much about your wellbeing," Cole explained.
"I fell down the stairs." It wasn't a lie, I really fell from the stairs while I was trying to run away from Nicks sick intentions.
Tears left my eyes, I couldn't talk about this.
"We know it was caused by someone, Cole examined it closely and told us it can't come from a fall."
My mouth fell open from Isaacs statement.
Someone took my hand, I looked aside and saw Kaydens soft blue eyes. "You can trust us, we would never harm you sorellina."
It was the first sentence he had said to me.
Holding his hand made me feel safe, a voice in my head told me I could trust him. I recognized him deep down, it was as if I was whole again with him by my side.
I kept looking at him and whispered: "He hurt me."
More tears made its way to my cheeks, I couldn't keep my feelings inside anymore, so I let them all out.
"Who did?" Isaac asked quietly.
I knew he had his suspicions, but he still needed my confirmation.
Suddenly I heard Aiden yelling he would kill him. I began shaking from the loud noise, it reminded me too much of him.
I felt big strong arms slide around my small frame.
"You're safe bambina, I'm here," Kayden reassured me.
I put my head in the crook of his neck, disparately trying to find comfort.
Kayden broke the silence,"I know this must be hard for you, but we need to know more about it."
He unwrapped his arms and sat back. I missed his warmth and comfort, however I knew I had to tell them.
"First, I have to know if you have more injuries apart from your foot," Isaac questions.
I nodded in response.
"Can I take a look at them?" Cole softly asked, trying not to scare me more.
He asked to take off my hoody and lay back on the couch. I was only wearing a tank top underneath my jumper, I felt so exposed. My bruised and scarred arms wrapped around my body, trying to hide myself.
Before Cole could do something Kayden took my hand again and told me everything was going to be okay.
Cole looked at me for permission to lift my top, so he could see my stomach and ribs.
I nodded and closed my eyes. I couldn't handle their looks when they realized how disgusting I was.
I heard the twins gasp when he lifted my shirt. A few minutes passed till Cole said we were done.
"Tomorrow I'm going to get you checked out at the clinic, is that okay for you?"he asked me and I nodded.
"I'm going to ask you a few questions Luna, maybe it will make it less hard to open up," Isaac explained.

Teen FictionOnce upon a time, Luna was a happy child who had a loving mother and no worries. Everything changed when her mother suddenly died, she was left in the cruel hands of Nick. He was no longer the man she had learned to know the last two years. After y...