Chapter twenty-eight

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Adrenaline was rushing through me, preparing me for what was to happen.

After almost three weeks of preparing the hard work was finally about to begin.

My brothers each took turns training with me, even Isaac had made time. Until today, we had only gone through the basics. I never would have thought balance or your posture was this important.

Mainly Kayden and Aiden trained with me because they were the ones who spend the most time in the gym.

No surprise there.

Aiden was crouched before the chair, where I was sitting on, carefully taping my foot. The tape helped support my ankle, allowing me to exercise for longer.

"You're all done. Ready?" Aiden said.

I was more than ready, my muscles were aching.

"You know what to do when you feel pain or if you simply don't want to continue, right?" Aiden wondered.

"Yes, you don't have to tell me every time," I sighed.

Literally every time before we start they ask me if I'm sure about this. I know they mean well, but in moments like this their protectiveness is just exhausting.

We were now standing on greyish mats, which are meant to soften a possible fall.

"Remember our previous lessons. Show me your fight stance," he ordered.

They said having the right fight stance was utterly important.

I did as he told.

I spread my feet, put my right foot slightly forward and bend my knees slightly for optimal balance. My hands were in front of me. I made sure they were not too far away from my ribs so that they protected them from a potential attack.

"Good. Make sure you don't lean too much on your ankle," Aiden remarked.

It was my weak spot. We all knew that. However, it is important that I don't show this if someone would attack me.

"The basic principle of self-defence is to always aim at the weak spots of the body such as the eyes, throat or with a male attacker the groin," he explained.

I nodded it him so he knew I understood.

"We're going to go through basic techniques to begin with. Suppose someone attacks you along the front. The intention is that you respond as quickly as possible. The best scenario is when the person isn't touching you yet. You are going to give a firm push to the throat."

Aiden pointed the spot where I had to punch.

"Use your dominant hand and flex your wrist."

I did as he told me, and he nodded approvingly.

We practised the move until Aiden thought it was perfect enough. And believe me when I say he is not easily satisfied. Of course I didn't punch with my full strength.

Half an hour passed, which meant our training session was over. It was a demand Cole imposed to make sure my ankle wouldn't suffer the consequences. I know for sure I can handle more, but Cole would never let me in the gym again if I broke his rule.

So far I only know two techniques, but it's a start. I don't want to rush it and make sure I'm doing it right.

"I'm impressed monkey. You're a fast learner," Aiden praised me.

I drank a greedy drink of water before thanking him for making time to teach me. I know they have a tight schedule these days. The twins helped the others as much as they could, but their school still came first place.

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