"Luna, did you hear anything I said?" Ethan questions.
I had a hard time focusing on anything due to the lack of sleep.
Yesterday was emotional exhausting, but I still couldn't stop the overthinking and fall asleep.
Disturbing one of my brothers wasn't an option, not because they would mind. I just felt like I had to battle this on my own.
I thought that I would get at least a few hours of sleep, I was wrong.
"I was telling you about the business dinner at the end of the week."
I gave him a confused look. What is he talking about?
"Great, I have been talking to myself for the past ten minutes. You sure you're alright?"
"Yeah, I just zoned out, sorry."
"An important ally of our business is coming this Friday to discus some important deals, so Isaac decided to invite his family for dinner."
"Do I need to be there, it will be so boring. I don't even know anything about your work, so why do I have to sit through a boring business dinner," I whined.
"I know, but they would like to see you again. The family that is coming over were great friends of our parents, and are now our most important allies," Ethan explained.
"Are they aware of my situation?" I asked sceptically.
"They know about your disappearance, but we didn't tell them anything about the abuse, it's none of their business."
"Good. I will be there for one hour, no more. Understand?"
"Yes, thank you."
"Wait, a business dinner. Does that mean I have to wear a dress?"
"Yes indeed," Ethan laughed.
"Fucking fantastic," I groaned.
"Language Luna. How many times do we have to repeat ourselves?"
I snorted at him in response.
"Where is Aiden, don't we have to leave for school in ten minutes?" I asked.
"I think the bastard is still sleeping."
"Want to wake him up?" I asked with an evil grin.
He returned my grin and nodded.
I explained him my plan. We will dump a bucket of ice-cold water over him and then run for our lives.
Ethan had already parked our runaway car on the driveway. Aiden can drive himself to school, because if we have to take the same car, he would definitely kill us.
Ethan and I tiptoe into his room, so we're not waking him up yet.
I gave Ethan the sign to dump the water, I was filming in the meantime, I'm sure my other brothers want to see this masterpiece.
Aiden shot up and started to yelling.
"What the fuck!"
When he noticed what we had done, he started getting out of his bed.
"You should thank us. You look fuming, so I thought you could use some cooling," I laughed.
Ethan took my hand, and we ran toward the car with Aiden on our heels.
"When I get my hands on you, you're death!" Aiden yelled.
We reached the car and jumped into it.

Roman pour AdolescentsOnce upon a time, Luna was a happy child who had a loving mother and no worries. Everything changed when her mother suddenly died, she was left in the cruel hands of Nick. He was no longer the man she had learned to know the last two years. After y...