Chapter 3

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(Narrator's POV)

Do you ever have that feeling where you're just flooded with happiness. Like nothing could go wrong. Well that is what (Y/N) and Doma have been feeling for the past 2 years. 

Yes, Doma still calls (Y/N) her silly little nickname, and the same goes for (Y/N). 

Even though the past 2 years have been blissful, there were some up’s and down’s during that time span.

(Y/N) and Doma had noticed that the cult leader’s wife hadn't been looking so well. Everytime (Y/N) would ask Doma's mom if everything was alright. The older female would fake a smile and say everything was ok. Although, both (Y/N) and Doma knew that nothing was ok.

One day, both of them found out the cause of the leader's wife's pain. It so happens that the cult leader (A.K.A Doma’s father) has been sleeping with other female cult followers. 

(Y/N) was disgusted by this. She knew something was wrong with that guy, and she turned out to be right. She looked at Doma, saying that everything will be ok, but Doma just smiled and said that he was ok. The young girl was shocked by his answer. She gets that Doma was born with no emotions, but shouldn't he at least be upset about this?

In the end, (Y/N) and Doma just continued with their lives. Avoiding the situation with Doma’s parents.

{Present Day} : Night Time

(Y/N's POV)

I was sweeping Doma’s room, while humming a merry tune. Doma will be done with his cult stuff in a few minutes, so I'm thinking on what to cook him. Maybe shoyu ramen will do?

After sweeping the room, I walked out of the room, and started heading to the kitchen.

I then passed by Doma's throne room. I heard shouting coming from the inside. Lucky for me, the door was slightly ajared. I peeked inside the room and I instantly regretted it.

Doma’s mom was repeatedly stabbing her husband. I could clearly see how lifeless the cult leader’s eyes were, yet his wife kept stabbing him. Overkill, If I may say.

My eyes widened when the woman suddenly collapsed on the floor. She looked dead. 

Everything was a mess. The floor and walls were covered in blood. 

Just then, I realized something. This was Doma’s room. Panic immediately took over me, as I realized that the young boy was still in that room.

Damn it! Doma’s still in there. Shit! I was about to rush into the room, but then I heard Doma say something that shocked me.

"My, what a mess." I heard Doma say.

WHAT!? I couldn’t believe that Doma had just witnessed his own parents murder each other, and not even give a damn. It was not like I had a strong bond with Doma’s parents either, I was just worried for my best friend. 

Although, I was relieved that the young boy was not crying freaking out. I turned around and saw the cupboard where they kept all the cleaning supplies. 

I have an idea.

(Doma's POV)

I looked down on the corpses of my "parents". I wasn’t concerned that my parents were dead. I was more concerned about the blood that was splattered everywhere. 

It's a mess in here. They really had to end their lives here. The smell of blood is unbearable. 

Suddenly, I felt something damp and wet hit my face. I grabbed it and saw that it was a wet cloth.

"C’mon, Doma. Lets clean this place up." I heard a familiar voice say to him. I turned around and saw (Y/N) carrying two mops and a bucket full of water. I smiled as (Y/N) approached me with the cleaning supplies.

"You clean the floors, I’ll deal with the bodies." the young girl said. I nodded and started mopping the bloody floorboards.

(Y/N's POV)

I dragged both of the bodies outside. Since it was night time, all the cult followers were asleep. No one would see me drag the two adult bodies. 

I decided to place the two bodies inside the cult leader’s room. 

Why? How would the entire cult react when they see two dead bodies of their leader and his wife in their son's throne room? Mayhem! I thought this would be the smartest thing to do at this point.

When I finally reached the bedroom, I slid the door open and placed the two bodies on top of the futon. Next, I grabbed a wet cloth and started cleaning the bloody bodies. When I was cleaning my aunt’s body, she had purple veins all around her body.

Poison. I concluded. I read something about poison one time.

I continued to clean the two bodies. Once I was done, I bowed and said a small prayer for the two bodies. 

I exited the room and grabbed a mop. I cleaned the floorboards that have been soaked with crimson liquid. Once I was done, she admired her work and went to return to mop. The floors were absolutely shiny. You could even see your own reflection.

After I brought back the mop, I remembered Doma. I walked to the throne room. Surprisingly, the room is spotless. It wasn’t as clean and shiny as my cleaning technique, but there was no visible blood on the floor. 

Maybe he isn’t that lazy after all. But I immediately took it back when I remembered how much of a lazy prince Doma was during the past years. He’s always too lazy to get out of bed. He always asks me to comb and groom his hair for him. Heck! There was even a time were he couldn’t even put his crown and robe correctly. It was a miracle that I was there.

However, there's one thing I would never forget. It was during the time Doma’s hair grew so long, that it reached his shoulders. His mother tried to cut it for him, but he kept refusing. Until I decided to just trim his hair, even if he refuses. After I trimmed his hair with ease, and for some reason he didn't resist that much. 

I smiled at the memory. 

"(Y/N)-chan!" Doma hugged me unexpectedly, surprising me for a bit.

"Yes, my lazy prince?"

"What's for dinner?" he asked. I immediately smacked myself mentally. Fuck.

"Why dont you first go to your room, Doma. I’ll have dinner ready in just a few minutes." I smiled sweetly, trying not mentally panic that I forgot to cook dinner. 

Doma smiled and nodded his head, as he made his way to his room. I smiled and headed to the kitchen to make dinner.

(Narrator's POV)

That night, (Y/N) and Doma had a wonderful supper. Filled with stories and laughter. In the end they both ended up being so tired, that they slept next to each other on Doma’s futon. 

What a great way to end the night, right? 



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