Chapter 5

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(Narrator's POV)

Sickness. Everybody gets it. Either it be a harmless virus or a fatal illness.

What a tragedy it is to know that one of the strongest women in the world, would fall down due to a fatal illness. Can she be saved?

{Present Day} : A few months later

(Y/N's POV)

I haven't been feeling well lately. At first, I thought it was a normal cold. But as time passed by, I began to feel weaker and weaker. 

I didn't want to worry Doma though, so I kept it to myself. If only it wasn’t for today, had I found out, that I was slowly dying.

I was in the cults garden, sweeping the leaves that were falling from the trees. Just then I started coughing. I covered my mouth with my hand as my coughing worsened. I lost my balance, and stumbled onto the ground. My eyes were teary and I felt like she was spinning in circles. I looked at my hand, and gasped when I saw crimson liquid covering my entire hand.

At that moment, I knew something was wrong. Very wrong.

The next day, I snuck out of the cult, while Doma was busy with his followers. I decided to go to a nearby village. I heard of an amazing doctor who goes by the name Sato Koan. 

Every step I took was agonizing. Luckily, I took some painkillers from the cult with her. I grabbed one of the pills and swallowed it. After that, I felt much better.

When I reached the village, I started searching for the medical clinic. I walked for a few minutes, until I found it.

I walked inside the building, and I was greeted by a man who was sweeping the room.

"Excuse me, sir." The man looked at me with a simple "hm?". He looked around 60. He was bald (probably due to aging), and he had a pair of black eyes. He also had that kind vibe surrounding him. 

"How may I help you, my dear?" the old man asked, while putting away the broom.

"I was hoping to know if this is the clinic of Sato Koan." I said.

The old man smiled and signalled me to come in. He sat down on the floor and so did I.

"I’m glad you came here. I was just about to close up the clinic." he said. I smiled and bowed.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Sato." The old man smiled and nodded back.

"And you are?”

"(Y/N), sir." I answered. 

"And how old are you, Ms. (Y/N)?"

"I'm 18, sir." I replied. The old man nodded and continued to ask me more questions.

"So, what brings you here?" he asked. I hesitated to speak at first, but if I wanted to get better, I needed to tell him.

"I have not been feeling well for the past few months. I always keep getting dizzy and I have been coughing a lot lately. My coughing is so strong, that it comes to the point where I will drop to the floor, and since yesterday, I have been coughing blood-" just then, Mr. Sato stopped me.

"You have been coughing blood?" he asked in a serious tone. I nodded worriedly, as Mr. Sato sighed.

"I’m very sorry I have to say this, Ms. (Y/N), but.. You may have a fatal illness." Those words struck me like lightning. I felt something shattered within me. Probably my hope.

"I...I’m dying?" I asked, tears threatening to spill.

The old man nodded sadly. "I’m afraid so, Ms. (Y/N). The symptoms you have given me are signs of a very deadly illness. Im...very sorry."

Tears started running down my cheeks. It's so hard for me to believe this. How on earth will I be able to tell the whole cult about this!? They'll be devastated! He'll be devastated…

"Is there any way you could help me?" I asked, desperate for a solution. Mr. Sato sighed once again.

"I apologize, Ms. (Y/N). Rare and fatal illnesses are very hard to cure. Even I, a trained professional, cannot help you cure It." I bowed my head with sadness. "But, that doesn’t mean I can't help you stop it." Hope once again filled me, as I asked him how.

Mr. Sato stood up, and walked to one of the cabinets in the room. He pulled out two bottles filled with blue pills. He walked closer to me and handed her the two bottles.

"Drink this at least three times a day. It will not help you stop your illness, but It will help you slow it down.” the old man instructed. I looked at the bottle full of blue pills and nodded. I placed the two bottles of pills in my pocket. "Now, from now on, take it easy with yourself and drink plenty of water. Those pills will probably last you at least two years."

(Y/N) once again nodded, and bowed my head. "Thank you very much, Mr. Sato." I said. Mr. Sato smiled at me and nodded back. 

Just then, I remembered something. I reached into my pocket, and brought back a pouch filled with money. I was about to hand it over, but Mr. Sato stopped me.

"Dont worry about it."

"But sir-"

"No need, Ms. (Y/N). The service I gave you today is free."

I was shocked at first, but ededed putting the pouch full of money back in my pocket

"Thank you again, Mr. Sato. You're a very generous person" I said, while bowing. 

I heard Mr. Sato chuckled a little, which made me smile back.

"Look at time. It's best you go home now. Judging by that ring on your finger, you must have someone waiting for you." the old man pointed out. I was dumbfounded at first, but then I realized what Mr. Sato had said.

"Ah, yes. My husband is probably waiting for me back home." I said, with a tint of red on my cheeks due from embarrassment. Mr. Sato only chuckled once again.

"Well, your husband was very wise to pick your ring. It suits you very well."

I smiled and thanked the old man. I exited the building and started to walk back to the cult. On the way there, I kept thinking about how kind Mr. Sato was. On the other hand, I was contemplating on how I was going to tell Doma all of this.

In the end however, I decided not to say a word about my sickness to Doma. Hopefully, I’ll be cured before he finds out.

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