Team X-blood headcannons

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Quickly I just want to say thank you for over 200 reads, I'm amazed that you all like this so much. I'm thinking about doing more headcannons for the S4 and their teams so yeah, that's something I'll probably do soon.


> Vintage enjoys singing, he's too nervous to do it around others though

> He is very soft and caring on the inside but feels a need to mask that and as a consequence he is not very good at expecting his emotions, no matter what they are

> Omega has insomnia and does art during the night to give her something to do and to try and help her sleep

> Double called Vintage short once, that is a mistake he has never made again so far and he doesn't ever want to make that mistake again

> Red is very hyper most of the time and then crashes when she is tired

> She once slept for 2 and a 1/2 days after having caffeine and it running out and is now banned from having it

> The team is a lot like a family and treat each other like siblings

> Omega was once so tired of dealing with the teams shit that she went on a week's holiday by herself and only told the team when they realised after a day that she was missing


Ok, that's some more, as I said earlier thank you all so much for the 200 reads and for reading this part too!! Have a good day <3

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