S4 Co-captains headcannons

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I'm struggling with ideas a bit at the moment but I will try to keep updating this.


> Diver is the oldest out of the group, then Forge, Avi and moon

(just cos I'm lazy aviators - Avi and full moon - Moon)

> they all went to the same school at some point but they didn't know each other well. they had heard of each other but they didn't really talk or hang out

> Forge is very chill when she's with the other co-captains

> but Avi has had to stop her from attacking Diver after he did something stupid a few times

> they are all very different than they usual when they're together. 

> like I said earlier, Forge is more chill, Diver is almost the same, very chaotic and silly, Moon is more chatty (like she is with her team) and she laughs a lot more and Avi tells bad jokes a lot and makes sure the group doesn't hurt each other


hope you liked these <3 :) also, just realised this book has over 300 reads. thank you all so much for reading this, and I really hope you are enjoying this whole book <3 :)

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