Army X Aloha headcannons

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thank you to @GalaxWrites for this request, I hope this is ok <3


> Aloha is probably a bit flirty and now he's in a relationship with Army, you can guess who the target of his flirting is now

> Army enjoys cuddles when they're in private but if Aloha try's to hug him in public, his face becomes a bright glowing orange

> both of them get very proud when the other does well in turf war matches and it always ends in a huge stream of compliments and lots of blushing from both of them

> Army isn't a flirty person and gets very embarrassed when Aloha flirts with him in public. Once when they were at home together Army flirted back and Aloha basically stopped functioning,  he kept mumbling and went bright pink

> Army teases him about it to this day

> stress = cuddles

>they watch a lot of films together but never horror films

> they tried to watch one once and it ended very badly

> Army needs to get out of bed in the morning to train?

> Aloha says no

> Aloha clings onto Army and won't let go until he gives in and cancels training

> Aloha is fond of nicknames like babe and other stuff but Army isn't so sure

> they both have lots of fun together and overall it's just very sweet


thanks for reading this part, if you would like some headcannons please request, I know I put up the long ass thing a few days ago or something but yeh. hope you liked this :)

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