The worse was over, right? If only she knew. Takuma was celebrated, carried around the town in jubilation. The girl who defeated the monster, the town folks whispered amongst themselves. She defeated the monster singled handedly when the men could do nothing, they said. She is the sta chile, the say, the one written about by that crazy old man that lives at the edge of the forest.Who would have thought his prophecy would come to pass, the star child. The lone warrior who will bring their town to victory. When the prophecy first started circulating around, the town folks deemed it the talk of a drunk even though the crazy old hermit isnot known to be prone to alcohol. However, his propeshy did not sit well with the people. The coming of a super power means the coming of war. Why else would a powerful person be need if not to fight war and keep the people safe.
The king and his elders ensured that the talk of the prophesy was quelled and the hermit was silenced. The town folks all know the hermit to be a silent and calm person. However, with the talk of the prophesy came the change of character. He became boisterous and vocal. He would go to every tavern, market square and sometimes knock on townfolks' doors to preach his prophesy.
Suddenly, the crazy old man went back to his old self, worst still, he grew distant and made extra efforts to ward people off his property. He would set traps at obvious places and place poisoned fruits for the animals. Soon, everyone left him to himself and he was almost forgotten until the incident with Takuma.
This incident jarred the townfolks back to reality, the possibility that the old man was not crazy as they had assumed. The acceptance of this reality brings about the acceptance of possible war. By whom, however?
This was what kept the king up all night. If there would be a war, now is the time to start preparing, but first, he needed to see the Star Child.
So, Takuma bested the beast that wanted to kill her?
Do you think she targeted by the beast or was that just coincidence?