It wasn't a normal occurrence in Sopia for kids to see flying cars. They were banned because of the corruption it brought with it as well as the fumes that polluted our environment making some Sopians sick, leading to the death of most. That was a terrible year.. The elders decided the flying cars would be banned until a better electric car could be made in its place. However, that is yet to be. So pardon my shock when Lia came to shake me awake from my slumber shouting "flying cars, Captain, flying cars".
I drapped my robe against my body warding against the morning chill. my mouth flew agape of its own accord. Flying cars in Sopia, unbelievable. Something at the back of my mind kept telling me this is not right. These cars do not belong here and they shouldn't be here. I chance a look around and I saw other folks staring at the sky, mouth agape just like I was a few moments ago. I wonder what is going through their mind. Some mothers were fearfu and frantic, they rounded up their children in near panic and ushered them indoors. The kids however do not understand the apprehension of their parents and wants to see more of the flying cars. After all, they are seeing it for the first time. they only read about it in books before now. A sudden sense of urgency gripped me. This is not right, the words kept ringing in my mind. I went back inside, changed out of my robe quickly and headed towards the King's chamber.
I saw more people outside gawking at the flying cars moving ever so slowing in our sky, though not blocking the sunlight that just rose, yet. I don't know where that word 'yet' came from, but then, I have always been intuitive.
The King was already in his receiving room, some elders there with him already. "Did you hear?" I asked as I made my way to a seat.
"Yes, is it as bad as they say?" the King asked.
"It is and I fear it will only get worse" I said. The King and the elders are used to my candid way of speaking. I see no need to mince words or give false hope, not when my gut is tingling so bad that this Is a situation that may escalate quickly, to our disadvantage.
"What can be done?" one of the elders asked.
"Unfortunately, we can't do anything right now. I know for certain this is an attack, but I do not know in what form it would be other than the flying cars are meant to deliver something". There was a collective gasp.
"Deliver what? What if there are troops inside waiting to climb down?" another Elder asked.
"I doubt that. those flying cars are here to drop something off, considering their numbers, I'll say weapons. The troops are still afoot and those cars are probably remote controlled. if only we could hijack the cars before they drop whatever they are supposed to drop?"
"How do we do that? We stopped flying cars production years ago. I doubt if we even have materials for any form of counter attack anymore. There is no time, what do we do?" The King said, getting frantic.
I had an idea, but before I could table my suggestion, a commotion ensued outside and we all went out to see what it what it was.
The flying cars were dropping a cargo as I envisioned. The King and the Elders gasped ever so loudly, propriety forgotten. We have even less time than I thought, my heart sank. This is war and we're unprepared.
"We need to get the people out of here as soon as possible". I said to the King who has a worried crease on his forehead, seeing the picture as clearly as I do.
"Let's do this". he replied.
The King walked briskly back inside, myself and the other elders followed suit. I started talking before the King was even seated.
"The kids and the women will be evacuated first. The bunker is still in good condition and we have enough food to last us couple of moons if this battle drag that long".