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     " Lisa... " Kim Seo-Hyun called out her daughter with a knock as she then slowly opened the door of her room. As she was opening the door, she saw her daughter brushing her long blond hair.

It has been 13 years since that day and Lisa is about to turn 13 in the following week.

Seo-Hyun walked towards her. Lisa glanced at her mother from the mirror before looking back at her self as Seo-Hyun stopped her tracks and observed her from the reflection of the mirror. Her daughter had really inherited that mans features from head to toe. Lisa was like the girl version of him.

She chuckled at the thought as she then gestured her daughter to give the hair brush to her and she obeyed. Seo-Hyun gently brushed her daughters hair as she smiled lovingly. Lisa's ocean blue eyes observed her mothers reflection as she was brushing her hair. She had noticed that her mother really liked to brush her hair.

" Eomma.. I've heard that if you brush you hair that much, you'll damage it and stress out your scalp " Seo-Hyun chuckled at her daughters words.

" your right.. where did you learn that from? " Lisa shrugged her shoulders. "It was a long time ago, My teacher discusse about it. " Her mother smiled and stopped brushing her hair and gave her daughter, her hairbrush.

" Its time to go to school... " Seo-Hyun said before she left.

Lisa looked into the mirror blanky as she slowly put her hairbrush down. She smiled gently as she grabbed her backpack and left for school.


School ended in the early afternoon.

Lisa went outside in the school gates and patienly waited for her mother to pick her up. She sat on the bench as she swing her legs up and down.

She stopped swinging her legs when she noticed someone sit beside her. Her head turned at the side and saw a girl at her age. She had shoulder short hair and had pink puffy cheeks.

Seeing that Lisa was staring at her, she smiled sweetly showing her cute white teeth. " Hi! Im Park Chaeyoung, but you can call me Rose " She said cheerfully and extended her hand.

Lisa blushed, and accepted her hand as she smiled shyly, " H-hi, im Lalisa Kim, but you can call me Lisa for short " they shook hands for a while before letting go.

" Your really pretty.. " Rose bursted out her thoughts as Lisa's cheeks began to color, red. " T-thank you " Rose tilted her head  unknowingly and laughed at her reaction.

They talked for a while but stopped when Lisa's mother finally arrived as she bid goodbye to Rose.


They arrived home a while later. Lisa slowly opened the front door and took a sneak peek inside, to see if her brothers were there. Seeing that no one was there she slowly went inside as her mother chuckle at her behavior.

Only two steps inside, a loud shout was heard. " Liiiiissssaaaaaaa! " hearing her name, her eyes widened as she looked the direction where she heard the voice.

Jimin run towards his sister and opened his arms wide, ready to hug his sister. But just as he was about to hug her, someone kicked him aside, making him fall on to his but. " Owwhh " he moaned out and looked up, only to see his non-identical twin, Taehyung.

He glared at him fiercely.

" Why did you push me! " He yelled furiously as Taehyung only rolled his eyes at him and fired back, " Cant you she's- " He was about to point at his little sisters direction, but his Lisa was no where to be spotted and so he couldn't finish his words.

" Where is she? " He mumbled at himself and looked around. He stopped when he heard a faint noise of a door closing upstairs. He was dumb founded after knowing that his precious sister ran away from him.

Taehyung turned to Jimins direction and glared at him one last time before going upstairs, to his sister leaving Jimin who was sitting on the floor, feeling confused and dumb founded as their mother chuckled at the them.

Although, four of her children where off to college, the house was still lively as ever.



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