Chapter 3

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  They arrived at the beach after an hour and it was already one in the afternoon.

  Seo-Hyun un hooked the seatbelt and glanced at the review mirror. She smiled at the sight. Before she woke them up, she took a picture of them with a chuckle.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes before her mother could even wake him up. Both of his shoulder felt heavy, he looked left and right only to see both his twin brother and sister sleeping.

His brows met when he saw his brother drooling. His face flashed a disgust look. Without thinking twice, he pushed him away.

Jimin's head bumped against the car door. His eyes fluttered open as his small slender hand rubbed against his head. He groaned and glared at Taehyung who was gently shaking Lisa's shoulder, trying to wake her up.

  " Lisa... its time to wake up... " he said slowly as Lisa's eyes began to flutter open. She groaned and rubbed her eyes. " Have we arrived? " She said softly as Taehyung nodded in response, forgetting the fact that Jimin was there watching them feeling left out.

Seo-Hyun got off the car first and opened the back door, as she waited for them to get out of the car. And soon they got off.

Lisa looked at the sand below her as Jimin held her hand while Taehyung followed beside them.

Her blond hair waved motionly with the wind. Both her brother's couldn't help but to admire their sister's beauty, in which no words could describe.

Lisa looked back and motioned her mom to come. Seo-hyun smiled at her children lovingly as she walked towards them. Lisa took her mothers hand and dragged her to the clear, blue ocean while her brothers followed.

Although her hand was small, Kim Seo-Hyun couldn't help but chuckle when she compared it to her daughter's. She looked at her daughter with a pained expression. Her lips trembled slightly at the thought as her daughter frowned at her undisguised expression.

" Lisa.. I'm sorry i couldn't give you the birthday that you wanted. I'm sorry i didn't give you and your brothers the life that you all deserved. If we weren't poor- " Seo-hyun felt guilty. Her children looked at her with mixed emotions

" Eomma.. " She hugged her mother tight and cried softly in her warm embrace. " I'm already contented with the life i have right now. I'm- we are contented with you.. With oppa's.. " She smiled and snuggled her head deeper in her mothers nape. Jimin and Taehyung looked at them and smiled softly


A week later

Lisa excitedly went to school early in the morning and went straight to her class, not bothering the stares she got as she was already used to it. Ever since she entered, she had already attracted many attention in both negative and positive way. Some admired her beauty, Inteligence, and kindness. Some hated her for no exact reason. And some were envious.

As she entered her class, she greeted her classmates joyfully and sat on her chair. 

Soon their teacher arrived and immediately started the lesson. 


As usual she waited for her mother to arrive at the bench outside the school. Rose sat beside her. " Hey! " Rose smiled ear to ear as Lisa replied softly. Lisa didn't know why but she suddenly felt uneasy, but she hid what she felt with a smile. They chatted for a while before Rose bid he goodbye. Lisa frowned when she noticed that the car that picked her friend up was a BMW. She knew this because of her brother, Jimin, who loved to chat about cars and all that stuff and would even show her a picture of it from his phone.

She waited there patiently, but after a while she began to get worried. Her mom would usualy pick her up on time. But this time she was late, really late. It was already 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Her uneasiness grew even more.

She waited and waited until when her homeroom teacher noticed her. Her teacher decided to take her home herself since she was worried about her student.

They drove to her house silently. When they had finally arrived at her house, Lisa quickly got out from her teachers car with a thanks.

When she arrived and went inside, her face immediately glimmed with joy when she saw all of her brothers present. But it was gone after she felt the dark atmosphere among her brothers. " Whats wrong? " She asked Taehyung as she tugged the hem of his shirt.

Taehyung looked at her with eyes filled with tears. Atlast after a few minutes of silence, Taehyung broke down, and Jimin glanced at his brother with pain in his eyes.

Jimin walked towards his sister and kneeled down infront of her. " Eomma... Eomma 'Hik'... " He chocked. " Emmoa is dead Lis.. She didn't survive the accident... She got hit by a truck.. "

" NO! Your lying! All of you are lying! Mom promised.. she promised not to leave me! " She shouted. She felt lost, confused, sad, depressed, and full of doubt.

All her brothers came towards her and hugged her tight. Not planning to loosen their grip.

Her heart clenched. It felt really painful. She punched her brothers mindlessly while still crying for the loss of her mother.

" Please.. please tell me your lying.. " She mumbled. Her lips trembling, her cheeks wet, and her eyes was slowly losing its spark.



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