Chapter 1

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Hey so I'm Ryan and I don't really know why I'm here. My life is a living hell. It's wake up get beat. Go to school get beat. Go back home and get beat. It's a never ending circle. The only reason why I'm still here is because of Charli. My rock, my person, my partner in crime. I don't know what I would do without her seriously. She's helped ME. Like out of all people ME. I don't know why she does it but I very much do appreciate it. I don't take much for granted now days. Now let's cut to the chase. I was only 6 when my parents became druggies and alcoholics. One day they came home and almost beat me half to death. Now I just feel no pain. I'm emotionless. I only get deep into thought and someone has to shake me out of it. They ask me what's wrong and I only shake my head and keep things bottled up inside. I just can't help it. Now I have to "get up"  I don't sleep. I'm too scared of what they'll do to me. I said I was emotionless not that I'm not scared. I'm petrified...

I've cleaned the house and was able to get out before my parents woke up. I took my board and skated towards the school. To find the one the one person that makes me happy.
(C: Charli)
(R: Ryan (you))
R; I missed you
C: it's only been 2 days
R: still
C: come on let's go to 1st
R: cant we just skip
C: no I have friends I want you to meet
R: ughhhhh I don't like new people you know               this.
C: you'll like them I promise.
R: fineee
We walk to are lockers which are right next to each other and I open mine to fine my usual death threats and badly shaming everything i do and/or am.
?: just ignore them
R: I try. Who are you?
?: I'm Avani and this is (introducing everyone else in just to lazy)
R: hey well I'm Ryan
J(aden): well ry hi we're now best friends
Oh great one more thing on my list see my thing is everyone always leaves never stayed. That's why Char is so important to me. She's the only one who has stayed. She saved my life. Literally, a few years back I was really going through it and she stopped me. I still cut but not even she knows that. I really don't wanna be here but she's the only one keeping me here. It's unfair to her. Everything she has going for her and she's wasting her time on me. The least I can do is stay.

A/n: sorry it's so short I'm about to go to cheer but i figured y'all deserve a chapter before I go. I'll write later probably.

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