Chapter 5

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(Back together your POV btw)
I wake up in the hospital to see two very worried people. I squint my eyes to see the one and only Hossler and Char staring at me with big helpless eyes. And when they see me awake they go wide eyed and Charli sprints over why'll Jaden gets the doc.
"You scared me" Charli says. What happened? "I'm sorry. What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" "You really don't remember?" I shook my head no. "Your parents Ry. How long?" Shit they weren't supposed to find out. "Um... w-what are you talking about?" "Don't lie to me child." Charli demands. "8 years..." "since 4th grade..." she states. How'd she know? She must of been able to tell I was confused because she says "one day you came in and you just were not yourself. You haven't been the same happy, bubbly, Ry in a while." Jaden finally comes back with the doctor.
"Ok so you need to be honest with the next few questions I ask you ok?" The doctor says and I just simply nod. "Are all these from your parents?" I hesitate and shake my head no. If I'm getting help I might as well get help for all my problems. "Mind telling me who?" The doctor asked so I continued. "Yesterday um..." I look at Jaden who was worried. "Um there was a fight at school. Um. And I-" I get cut off by Jaden. "T-that was you?!?" I slowly nod. "They beat you to bones! Why didn't you say anything?!?" "I-idk I was scared. I don't like help! I don't like feeling like I'm just this big burden on everyone. I just want everything to go back to normal..." "No." Charli says looking up knowing what I mean. "Your not going back to that shit home of a life you had" Jaden says catching on. "Why? Because you feel bad? That's what I don't want. 8 years of pain. I don't feel it anymore. I stopped feeling it a while ago. Haven't felt anything since. Sorry to disappoint you Char but..." I sigh knowing she'll find out soon enough. I roll up my sleeve and she gasp and gives me a huge hug. "I tried to call someone but I couldn't get to my phone in time..." I say looking down. "Look I know it's hard but we're gonna get you through this battle. 1 by 1. The main problem is already gone." I simply nod my head and fall back asleep.

Charli's POV:
Why would she want that life back. The one where no one knew. The one where all she did was get beaten. They one that we're trying to get her far far away from. It's not fair. Why do the bad things always happen to the good people. She deserved none of this. I love her with all my heart and to know that she had to fight through this battle alone is just mind blowing to me. But then again it proves my point of her being the strongest person ever. "How can we help her" i here Jaden ask. "I don't know... I've never done this before" "I have" Jaden mumbles. "What?!?" He sighs. "Last year... I um- attempted..." he becomes teary eyed. "Aw jae" I walk over to hug him, "why'd you do it?" You could see the pain in his eyes be replaced with guilt as he replays the events in his head.

Jadens POV:
How am I supposed to tell her. The reason why I did it. It's ok you got this Jaden... you got this. "Um- well, you see- I lost 2 of the people closest to me in a fatal accident. Um- we were going on a road trip and a car came down and T-boned the side... I was in the back so they got most of the impact. I was the only survivor..." I look at Charli who has eyes full of sorrow and she gives me a hug. I needed that hug so bad but I didn't know it until that moment. I love this girl. I really do. I know we just met but it feels like it is ment to be in a sort of way. "Char..." "yes?" "really like her" I said looking over at Ryan peacefully sleeping. "I know" Charli says. I look at her confused and when I go to speak she cuts me off. "You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out dude. The way you look at her. The way you speak to her. It's love dude. Even if you don't wanna admit it." I sigh. "Why do you have to be right" at that moment she started waking up. I just met the girl. But ever since the day I met her I knew she was gonna make me fall hard.

"WOAH josh who's that next to Charli" I ask looking at probably one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever seen. As soon as she put her hood down. "Idk man, go talk- oh look Charli's walking her over" Josh says. I don't know why but I was getting nervous. "Hi guys this is Ryan" they she introduced us and I basically told Ryan we were gonna be best friends... was that smart... idk yet.

Back to your POV:
I started to open my eyes to see Charli and Jaden talking. I tried to sit up but groaned in pain. (I'm in PaInAiNAinn🤑🤪🥺) Both of their heads shot around so fast. "Oh your awake!" the overly preppy nurse says walking in. I roll my eyes while Charli and Jaden try not to laugh. "Ok so..." the nurse started talking but I didn't listen. I spaced out. What woulda happened if Jaden wasn't there. I coulda died. I guess he isn't so bad. Kinda cute I guess. I started overthinking and before I know it I was hyper ventilating.

A/N: ok so I tried to do more words in this one so bare with me if it doesn't make sense. I'm rlly trying much love<3

Word count: 1038

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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