Section 4- 𝐄𝐚𝐭 𝐮𝐩

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The picture above is what I think Tendou looks like currently. Credits  to BRTRmilk_ on twitter who made this amazing art! Anyway on to the story.


                                                                       ❛𝐄𝐚𝐭 𝐮𝐩❜

"Odd?! Satori of course it was odd we just got chased!" Y/n replied peering at him with confused eyes. He kept his gaze on the road, "Y/n  I'm just  saying that it was weird that anyone would try and even chase us in the first place. I always check for any sort of trackers on the car." Y/n examined the road. Thoughts were flowing through her head as the red Tesla took steady pace. She let out a soft sigh gaining Tendou's attention. She looked down to her calloused hands with her e/c orbs. It had been a while since she got them manicured. They were short -- Her nails; she bit them when she was nervous. Breaking that habit was one of her goals but all she could do now was stare. Was it really because of her? She thought she lost them. She went through all that pain for- "Y/n! You've been ignoring me, what wrong? Please."  Her face was stoic with no sense of emotion.

"We got chased because of me."

"Because of you? What do you even mean?" The red head inquired.  The h/c coulored girl looked through the window. The lights of the city still pacing them by.

"Its a long story. I don't even know if it can even be considered a story, but since you asked..." Tendou relaxed his face as if he was ready to listen. " My mother and father both worked in the spy industry. They were top agents. They'd been on tons of missions never failing once. Soon enough they got married and had me, after being the game for years. They both tried to leave the agency but they threatened my parents by trying to kill me." She took a breath before continuing look at Tendou for confirmation of the rest. He nodded-- slowly. "My father fought back for years...until finally they killed him when I was 5. Ever since I lived with my mom training. She was still doing missions. She told me she was going to steal a gem that rightfully belonged to out family. I waited days, weeks, months." Y/n began to tear up. "She never came back." Tears were flowing fast. Tendou tried to comfort her by gently rubbing her back whispering an 'its ok.'

She wiped her tears, "Ever since I've been looking for her. That's the reason why I joined SHRZA. Well Before it became a passion of mine."

"Well I hope you can find her, Y/n. Anyway we're getting very  close to my place, where you'll be staying!" Y/n sat up straight in her seat replying energetically, " Thank you so much Tendou! And I promise to pull my weight, always!" The red eyed agent said nothing, but instead smiled. After a few minutes the car reached the desired destinations. Tendou's HUGE apartment.


2nd Person P.O.V

"Woah, Tendou! This house is so amazing!" You said walking through the mahogany scented living room. You walked  up towards the T.v peering at its shining 65" screen. "You must be loaded." He chucked as you were engrossed over the expensive gadgets.

"Loaded? Nah, I wouldn't think so." 

"WHAT DO YOU EVEN MEAN?? Your living room is bigger than my old apartment- This seems to be more on the fancier side of things. Its probably from all the money the mafia makes." You Countered.

"Well for the most part you're correct. SHRZA does make us a lot of money, I mean you'd know."  You nodded as you did get a lot of money, though you spent it on charity as you believed that something good would come out of it. "Though, most of that money is spent on the actual mission like tickets and weapons. All this money comes from the model Agency." Tendou continued. You  forgot all about the fact that the Agency was so popular. "Anyway you should probably  eat...I'll cook something up. You can just look around if you'd like." You nodded as Tendou put on a red apron that read 'Guess Monster'. 

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 | k.Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now