Section 6- 𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰

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"And remember everyone, this project is due in 5 days. Have a wonderful rest of your boring day."

Everyone mumbled a 'bye' to the professor. Psychology class had to have one of the best teachers; Mr. Amano he was so mysterious yet open at the same time. The project was to take a character from media and examine the mind and personality of them. I immediately thought of Light Yagami from Death Note. His mind was always so boggling to dissect, but it was as if it hit right to home. Not that I would know why.  

I was lost in a train of thought when suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Aiko, my best friend. 

"Y/n! What's up? Who are you doing for the project?"

"Light." I replied looking to my phone for the time. 11:55am.

"Your doing light..?" She scrunched up her nose in distaste. "The worst one." My eyes widened with confusion.

"Worst one?? Light is clearly superior. He was smarter and had many different plans up his sleeve. All L did was get on a sugar high and blind folded himself hoping he'd find who Kira was." I head a gasp come from Aiko who was obviously distressed.

"Y/n are you sure we watched the same show? Well, I think you're biased, since you're secretly as crazy. I bet you kill people all the time." She joked. I grimaced. She wasn't technically wrong. Though she didn't know. I laughed it off, continuing to bicker about who was better. Well It turned out for the project she was doing L, so it only made sense for the rivalry.

As we went on with our saunter through the halls, I bumped into someone. We apologized in unison. I looked up fixing my clothes. I saw a tall male with sea foam green eyes. His hair was black and fluffy, as he wore glasses with beige woolen sweater. He looked very...familiar.

"Sorry about that-" He started.

"Akaashi-san?" Aiko interrupted.

"Oh, Aiko! Sorry I didn't notice before, how are you?"

"Doing great!" They then started a new conversation. How did Aiko know him. I was intrigued by the fact Aiko easily struck up a chat. The only time I did that was on missions, which surprisingly did not transfer after.

"Oh sorry, Y/n. We know each other from one of our classes." I nodded. She gave him a small smile.

"Ah, yes. Our class with the guys." He chuckled, curving his index finger into a hook placing it under his nose. It was kind of cute.

"Oh, how is Kuroo by the way?" Aiko said, a light-pink hue brushing her cheeks. I nudged her a bit, her twiddling her fingers. Akaashi replied with a good. It seemed as if she wanted more detail, but she dare ask for more. I decided to talk as the conversation began to get dry.

"So Akaashi-san, where were you going to before?" He turned his glossy eyes to my attention.

"Oh, just the library."

"I was going there too." From the corner of my eye, I could see Aiko smirk. She gave me a tap on my shoulder leaving for her next class. Akaashi and I decided to head to the library together.


We were in the library with a few students here and there.  A table near by piqued our interest as it seemed big enough for the two of us to share. We were getting our books out as I saw his hand. It had a bandage on it, covering the middle half wrapping around. I was curious.

"Hey, what happened to your hand?" He gazed at his hand as if he'd never seen the injury before, "Oh, volleyball. I play often and I got hurt." He rubbed the back of his hand continuing to get the rest of his books out.

I studied my own book grazing my fingers against the spine. I was bored. Studying was never my forte. I was always a hands on type of person. You would think it was strange, me being a psychology major. It was almost funny, but I had always been into things of the mind.

I gazed at Akaashi who was too busy reading his text book. He was scholar.

I looked around his space. He had his phone on his right with a few other textbooks. On his left was a half finished americano with a book that read 'No longer Human'

"You a fan?" I struck. He gazed up, pushing his glasses more onto his face. I pointed to the book.

"Yes, a big fan. I've always had an admiration for Dazai's works." He rested his hand on it, feeling the cover.

"Is it any good? I read little but had to stop due to..reasons."

"It's amazing! Well, if you're into psychological horror that is." He started. Akaashi seemed to have a passion for the topic.

"Psychological horror?!" I squealed. I then heard a loud shush from the librarian. I rolled my eyes, going into a whisper. "That's like my favorite genre!" Akaashi's eyes then got a sort of glimmer to them.

"Not much people favour it...well since you never finished it, here." He stretched out the book towards me.

"What!? No, I couldn't take this!" I then heard another shush from the librarian. Oh my gosh, if she shushes me again.

"Don't worry about it." He smiled a little,"I've read it a thousand times, you can borrow it." He pleaded the book. I put my hands on the other side of the book our hands grazing each other. I felt my cheeks get warm.



I dropped onto my couch in my shared dorm with Aiko. I had Akaashi's book in hand. It almost looked new. I opened it seeing a name on the bottom left corner. Akaashi Keiji  So that was his full name. It rolled off the tongue.

I decided to put it as his contact. Currently it was just 'Aka' I was too busy riding the train to finish. We had exchanged numbers after the library closed. As I typed the new name for the newly acquired friend, I got a call. It was from a friend of mine. Kageyama.

"Hello." The voice was husky and monotone. That was Kageyama for you.

"Hi, Kags! You almost never call."

"Well since the fashion show is coming up soon I thought I'd talk to the competition." I chuckled. I'd almost forgot that SHRZA was apart of the national fashion show being held. I was participating as a model. So was a few other of my friends as I thought it would be more fun. Though it looked like a mere show of beauty it was actually to lure in a target we had been looking for. They were in the fashion world so  with the show it was a win win. It was complicated, this mafia spy thing. What kind of life was that?

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 | k.Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now