Pg. 14 - Details

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This page is dedicated to any extra details you want to add.

This page is pretty much whatever you would like to add.

Some examples of details I have in my script include-

-I am fluent in French and Spanish

-I know sign language

-I am flexible

-I am photogenic

-I have a Polaroid with unlimited film on it

-I can moonwalk

-I can ice skate

-The black lake freezes over in the wintertime and students are allowed to ice skate on it

-My hair never knots ;)

-I am in a band with George, Fred and Lee

-Mistletoe's appear around Hogwarts during Christmas time

-My legs, feet and hands can never fall asleep

-My breath never smells

-My family and I are stupid rich

-I have an unlimited amount of money in my wallet

-I can never get caught with using magic outside of Hogwarts

-My magic is not tracked

-I am a pretty sleeper (obvious reasons)

-I am a pretty crier (also obvious reasons)

-Everyone has gen z humor

These are just a few examples of the details I have added, I can make a bigger list if you would like! 

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