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Hey y'all!

I recently just came out of a bad place mentally so I apologize for not being able to reply to comments and such for a long long time. I want to thank you all for 11k reads! That is so insane! Slowly, I have been starting a new shifting script since my old one was so outdated from months ago. So, I felt it was only fair to make a new shifting script template for y'all!

I will make this script template more universally friendly for all fandoms, not just Harry Potter. I sincerely apologize, but I don't think I can make a google doc for you guys to be able to copy and paste. I tend to get overwhelmed easily, so having it on google docs and Wattpad would be a bit too much (I hope you can understand<3). I also don't want to risk my parents finding the template. I will keep this up in case you like it.

With that being said, I have also started a fanfiction that I'm excited to write!

Since I am still in school and summer is ending very shortly, I won't have as much time to write so in the future chapters will be coming out slowly.

I have no dates for when the new template and fanfiction will be released, but I hope I can get it done asap!

Again, thank you all so much for 11k reads!

I love you all and I hope to be more interactive in the comments soon <33

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