I woke up feeling like shit, not surprised. The alarm blaring in my ear radiating through my room. I hit my phone violently to switch it off. I unlock my phone and i check my time table for the day. "Great, Law Analysis first" I roll my eyes and get out of bed. My bare feet touch the cold wood floors. I take a nice big stretch and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and to wash my face, I don't bother to shower in the morning, I'm gunna stink after i come back from school so might as well just wash then. I put together a decent outfit.
{what ur wearing lol, if you don't like it just pick sum else idk}

{what ur wearing lol, if you don't like it just pick sum else idk}

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I step out of my room to get my bag and apartment keys. I unlock my bike from the bike rack inside my apartment building's garage and start cycling my way to the nearest coffee shop. I love this coffee shop with my whole heart, even though i dont drink coffee. I greet Lucia like i do everyday and order my usual,
"Classic hot chocolate please"
"You dont need to tell me everyday mija"
"Oh i know sometimes i forget that i come here everyday"
My order's ready in a matter of minutes as it usually is. A nice, thick hot chocolate, the best way to start off the day. {ew that rhymed}
I pay and leave a one dollar tip like i usually do and i leave. I head to my college. I park my bike as i usually do and go to class. I step into the room, the seat i usually sit in is taken. fuck. i walk to the other side and i trip onto a wire. My hot chocolate goes flying out of my hands and right onto a students laptop.
"Shit, shit, shit, i'm so sorry"
"Hey, hey its ok it was my fault for leaving the wire in the way"
"No i wasn't looking were i was walking i'm so sorry. Ill pay for any damages that i've done"
"Hey look its ok i was about to buy another one it was time for a change either way. And you dont need to pay for anything dont worry"
"But how would you do work the whole day?"
"I have my ipad its ok"
"You sure?"
"Yes i'm sure"
"Oh my so rude of me, I'm Y/N"
"Dont worry, I'm Alexis, but you can call me Alex"
"It's nice to meet you Alex"
"Nice to meet you too Y/N"
"Professor's just walked in i better go find a seat"
I sit in a place not to far from Alex's. He's very nice and cute. His beanie was pretty cool too. He sounded very familiar, a little too familiar, looked really familiar too. It must be nothing. I listen to the rest of the lecture with that boy always interrupting my thoughts. i caught myself staring at him from time to time, i also caught him staring at me once. I go on with my day like usual and i cycle back home.

I drag myself up to my apartment and rush to my room. I flop on my bed from exhaustion. I slept for a sold 3 hours that for sure. I wake up and check my phone, "FUCK ITS 6 PM" i get up immediately and start working on the assignment i had to turn in at 10 pm. I switch on my pc and i start. After a little less than 4 hours i finally turn it in. I take a deep breath in and out and check twitch to see who was streaming, no one. fun. I go make myself a quesadilla and then i get a notification from twitch.
'Quackity is live: CHILL STREAM TODAY MOFOS'
I quickly click on the translucent rectangle and put up my volume. I missed his chill streams {and i still do, quackity please i beg talk to us} He started off his stream like usual, screaming into the mic. Then a dono popped up that read:
"Hey quackity, anything swag happen today?"
And so he started narrating what happened that day.
"So i went to school chat, yes school. and i sit down for the lecture and this pretty brunette walked in, she had a hot chocolate in her hand"
I almost choke on my quesadilla and shoot my direction to my small phone screen, 'That cant be me. can it? There are so many fucking brunettes in this world Y/N dont think you're fucking special'
"And she suddenly tripped over the charging cable of my laptop"
My heart stopped. Quackity had been my 'Celebrity' crush you could say for almost three years now no way this mofo called me pretty-' my thoughts got interrupted with him screaming at the chat.
"HEY CHAT IM NOT A FUCKING S WORD YOU DUMB FUCKS SHUT UP CAN I COMPLIMENT A WOMAN. jesus ANYWAY she tripped over my charging cable and spilt her hot chocolate all over my laptop"
The chat filled up with "LMAO"'s and "LOSER" and thats shit kinda fuckin hurted.
"HEY CHAT BE NICE, she might be watching"
AWWW HE WAS DEFENDING ME. Another dono popped up and it read:
"Did you ask for her name or her number?"
"No i didnt ask for her number, kinda wish i did. BUT i did ask for her name"
The chat flooded with "POG"'s and "LETS GO" i started to blush. yet another dono popped up and it read:
"Search her name up on Instagram"
"SMART IDEA MARI, oo i found a private account, NO WAY ITS HER CHAT, wait it has a twitch link in her bio. CHAT GO FOLLOW KATSTERR ON TWITCH ILL PUT IT ON THE SCREEN FOR ABIT"
I suddenly get flooded with Emails and notifications from twitch
Pissbaby420 is now following you!
madisoninnit69 is now following you!
QuackityHQ is now following you!
That notification almost made me shit myself. QUACKITY WAS FOLLOWING ME. i did a lil dancey dance in my kitchen with my phone having a rough time trying to ping in all the notifications. I looked at my follower count and i couldn't fucking believe it, I HIT 23K IN LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES, I WAS AT 4k FOLLOWERS BEFORE. I almost started to tear up with joy. I got a notification from instagram and it read:
Quackity has requested to follow you.
I immediately open instagram and look at the pop up in my notification area
I decided to wait a few minutes before answering so i didnt seem too prominent, i wanted to seem calm and collected when in reality i was literally shitting myself with excitement. I decided to go to bed to calm down abit.

Alex's POV:
I had ended stream after an hour and i decided to get ready for bed. I couldn't stop thinking about her, she was flawless and not to mention that she smelled fucking incredible. I go up to say goodnight to my mom.
"Goodnight A'ma"
"Buenas noches mijo, and if you dont mind me asking, who was that girl that you were talking to your chat about?"
"Oh just this girl i met at school"
"Mijo you've just gone red, you must really like her"
"I guess"
"Ill stop bombarding you with questions, buenas noches mijo"
"Buenas noches A'ma"
I drag myself to my bedroom and flop onto my bed staring at my ceiling, the whole night i couldn't stop thinking about her.
{1311 words}
AHHHHHHH FIRST CHAPTER BITCHESSSSSS i really hoped you liked it, AGAIN this is my first ever fanfic so dont come for my neck lmao. k lol bye REMEMBER TO DRINK WATER AND EAT ILY.

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