Alexs POV:
I woke up to Y/N sleeping peacefully in my arms. she looks so beautiful, so peaceful. how could i have fallen this hard for a girl i've only know for less than a week? i thought to myself as i played with her hair. Her breathing synced with mine, i've never felt so special.

Your POV:
i woke up to Alex staring at me lovingly, "Good morning" i muttered "Good morning" he said i'm a low morning voice, making me wanna act up. 

He smiled at me and i tightened my grip around his waist and buried my face into his chest. His arms tightened around me, i felt safe. We stayed there in comfortable silence for almost five minutes until we hear a knock at his door. as i was near the wall i couldnt be seen.

He tightened his grip around me even more as a signal not to move. "Alexis es hora de levantarse, es mediodía" {Alexis its time to get up its noon} his mother whispered to him "nooooo dame cinco minutos más" {nooo give me five more minutes} alex grumbled. "ok, pero levántate pronto, no quiero que te vuelvas vago hijo" {ok but get up soon i dont want you getting lazy son} she said sternly "ok ok salgo pronto solo cierra la puerta detrás de ti por favor" {ok ok ill get out soon just close the door behind you please} he asked. as he finished his sentence we heard the door close.

he looked down at me and smirked, i looked up at him and i gave him a kiss on the cheek. he started to blush super hard and kissed me on the forehead and hugged me tighter. i had noticed his beanie had fallen off during the night so i could see his hair better. i ran my fingers through his hair "You should wear your hair out more, its really nice" i stated "Thanks i get a little self conscious with my hair sometimes" he said biting the inside his cheek "Well thats ok you can wear it out when ever youre ready" i said, he smiled down at me and stretched his arms and legs as he yawned

h "i think we should get up" he said between yawns "Yeah but what about your mom?" i asked a little concerned 'Oh she just comes up for a small lunch break checks on me and goes back to the shop" he says "Oh ok then we shouldn't have a problem then" i said more relieved.

he got up from his bed and went over to his phone and put on a playlist and pulled me out of bed. He grabbed me by the waist as 'Lovers Rock' by TV Girl plays, he starts to sway to the music.

but if you're to drunk to drive
and the music is right
she might let you stay
but just for the night

we both look at each other lovingly, he looks deeply into my eyes, our faces inch closer and closer. as our lips collide i feel sparks fly, it was like i was in a movie. his lips soft to the touch, we moved in sync. he pulls away for air and looks at me, he was blushing and his face was hot. "You have no idea how long i've wanted to do that" he breathed out heavily in between giggles "Me too" as i say that 'Hopelessly Devoted To you'  starts playing. it was perfect. our lips connect once again as the chorus was about too start.

but now
there's no where to hide
since you pushed my life to the side
i'm out of my head
hopelessly devoted to you
hopelessly devoted to you
hopelessly devoted to you

all of a sudden we hear the door swing open. it was his sister "Ew what the fuck." she almost exists the room but she quickly turns her head and said "wait Y/N?" i give her that same awkward wave that i gave her at the shop. as she says that his brother come in "wait what about Y/N- huh" as he sees alex's hand at the back of my waist and holding my face" this all had happened so fast.

alex looks at me and just shuts the door in his sibling's faces. we heard laughing burst from the other side of the door. with that i start to chuckle too, so does alex. "MAMÁ CONSIGUE LA CÁMARA ALEXIS ACABA TENER SU PRIMER BESO" {MOM GET THE CAMERA ALEX JUST HAD HIS FIRST KISS} his brother yelled loudly in between laughs.

alex opened the door rapidly and flipped his older brother off and shut the door back in their faces. at this point a few songs had passed and know 'My kind of woman' by Mac Demarco was playing. he looked back down at me who was still in complete and utter shock of what just happened and i just burst out laughing.

alex looked at me in a serious matter but it looked like he as trying his utmost to keep from bursting out into our hysterics "ok that was definitely not my first kiss. i have kissed multiple women in my life" he said obviously lying. "its ok it was mine too" as i pecked him on the lips as i go to collect my things. "wait really?" i turned around and looked at me genuinely confused. "Yeah" i said while collecting my books and other belongings, "But you're such a good kisser, and you're so pretty, how was i your first kiss" he said with emphasis on the 'I' "Alex, what do you mean 'I'?" i said while imitating his emphasis in the 'i' "Well you're like a solid 12/10 and i'm like a mere 6" he said "Alex. a six? really? come on you're more than a six. you're a good 12/10 yourself" i say as i wrap my hands around his waist.

His hawaiian button up t-shirt a quarter way open. i go onto my tipi toes and peck him on the lips. "You really think so?" he asked genuinely "Yes of course i think so" He gave me a loving smile and kissed me on the lips.

"So where'd you wanna go today?" He asks "hmmm i dunno" i say thinking about what we could do "Well i have a lore stream tonight to we could hang out and then you could watch me stream? maybe, i dunno" he says "yeah i would love to!" i said enthusiastically "perfect! so you wanna go grab breakfast?" he asks "Yeah for sure! i go to this sure good coffee shop every morning and they have really good food there you wanna go there?" i said "Yeah of course, ill go take a quick shower because i kinda stink and you can mess around with my pc in the meanwhile, thats ok for you?" he says "yuppp" he unlocks the pc and i immediately drag the mouse over the rewritten version of club penguin. after around five minutes he comes out of the shower.

"Well that was qui-" i cut myself off when i saw a wild quackity in just a towel. "Omg i'm so sorry" i say quickly as i turn my head. "Hey its ok i just forgot my clothes" he said giggling. at this point i was full blown red. he grabs his clothes and hurries over back to the bathroom.

after around another 5 minutes he comes back out of the shower. the room smelt strongly of men's 3 in one. "Sorry about before" he said embarrassed "Its ok" i said giggling slightly "Did i at least look cool and sexy and awesome?" he asked posing a little "Sure" i said giggling.

he stood next to my chair and picked me and and threw me over his shoulders "ALEX LET ME GO" i said slightly yelling and softly hitting his back. He threw me onto the bed and asked "Now was that super cool and sexy and awesome?" i looked him dead in the eye and said "no" his face changed from a smug look to an offended one got up and left the room.

i went out of the room and tried to look for him. i turned a corner and all of a sudden i feel someone pull me to the side and kiss me deeply. we pulled apart and i say "now that was super cool and sexy and awesome" i saw his face light up as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in for another kiss.

Hi sister walked by and said "What the fuck get a room alex, i like your hair Y/N" i laughed mid kiss and pulled away and said "Thanks" i had to admit. his sister was hilarious. "Aren't we gunna go get breakfast?" i said to alex while he was staring at me "Or are you just going to look at me the entire day?" with that he snapped out of it and said "Oh yeah hehe" he said blushing.

As we walk into Lucia's shop i greet her like i usually do. "Hola Lucia" "hola hija" she says as she gives me the sweetest smile i've ever seen. She looked at alex and then looked at me and Alex's intertwined fingers and she smiles. i order my hot chocolate and the avocado toast and alex orders a hot chocolate and an english breakfast. "That would be on me" I said. "hey its on me" he said. "Alex you paid yesterday, let me pay" he hesitated but eventually let me pay.

A/N YOOO NEW CHAPTERRRRR how you guys liked this one :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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