Your POV:
After i log off i get a message from alex:

Alex Quackity

hey i really had fun today, i hope
we could do it again sometimes. and
also im sorry if it was a lil loud, its like
theyve never met a woman before
, smh my head

i had lots of fun too! and also
its no worries it was
really funny :DD

hehe im glad you had fun :)) also random
question, how good are. you at Law an?

not too bad, why?

im just struggling abit and i was wondering
it we could study together sometime maybe you could
help me out where im stuck and i could help
where youre stuck. if thats ok with you?

oh yeah for sure! that would be great just tell
me the time, day and where and we'll
figure something out :))

omg that would be so great! are you free today?

uhh yeah im pretty sure, i just have to go
get a few groceries but we could meet after !
where where you thinking?

maybe at my place? if youre not comfortable with
that thats completley understandable and
we could meet somewhere else :)

that sounds great! and im ok with
that :)) so maybe 6?

6 is perfect :))

ok thats great see you there :DD

ill text you my address :)

oh yeah lmao

*insert random address here*

oh wow youre like a few houses away

wait really thats so cool

ikr what a small world

if you count almost 8 billion people small
then oo yuh get it ig

lmaoo please, ive gtg to the shops before they
all close :(( ill see you soon :)

see you hermosa :)

see you guapito :))

fuck off i forgot you spoke spanish

LMAO pls

Alex POV:

im so excited to see her. fuck i gotta clean my rooms an absolute mess. {looks back down at the messages and smiles} she really is perfect isn't she.

Your POV:

im so excited to see him. god i look a mess. ok so get groceries before the shops close and then worry about looks. i hop onto my bike and cycle my way to the nearest local supermarket, it was really small and not many people shopped there which was great because i hate tight spaces. i arrive and chain up my bike and enter the shop. i greet Señorita Fernandez like a usually do. it was a family owned business so almost always the whole family is there helping out. Señorita Fernandez has three children, one daughter and two sons. i've only met the older two but never the young one, apparently i'm always there when he's not. i dont usually shop at this time so i might cross ways with him as i'm really good friends with his siblings i thought it was cool to know the whole family. i go about my shopping trip grabbing the essentials as i had ran out back at home. i then hear a familiar voice talking to señorita Fernandez. my head turns quickly almost giving myself fucking whiplash. i turn and see, alex., he didnt have a beanie or a hat on so i didnt recognize him at first. HUH i freak out and look the other way as i looked fucking terrible. i stalled a little and picked up a few extra things i really didnt need to avoid him. i then stopped hearing his voice which i thought it meant he left. i go to pay and i look up and i look him straight in the eyes. "Y/N?" he questions. "Alex?" i say 'surprised'. "Omg i didnt know you shopped here" "Yeah i come here like twice a week" señorita Fernandez comes out of the back. "Wait you two know each other? Ohhhhhh Alexis is this the girl you where talking about yesterday day?" he turns a slight shade of red and so do i. his sister hearing the conversation from the back shouts out "Hold up wait she's here" she looks me in the eye and says "Oh hey Y/N, wait Y/N?" i wave awkwardly as a greeting. we all look at each other awkwardly for a few seconds until Señorita Frenandez shoves Alex out of the way and i continue to pay. i swear i've never hurried out of a shot that fast i quickly cycle back to my apartment and get ready.

Alex's POV:

What the fuck just happened. She just saw me without a hat on. fuckkkkk. she must think i'm hideous. she looked so pretty, how could someone look so pretty without any effort? it boggles my mind. i sit there thinking about what she must think about me. more bad thoughts than good thoughts rushed through the corridors of my mind. i was scared she would cancel on me last minute, or even worse just not come and block me and delete my number and completely distance herself from me and not even want to associate herself with me- my thoughts were quickly interrupted by my mother "Alexis come on hurry up there are customers waiting to pay" i go back to what i was supposed to be doing still with Y/N at the back of my mind.


my mind was replaying the events that had occurred and i suddenly realized. wait, he didnt have his beanie one. HE DIDNT HAVE HIS BEANIE ON. i was kinda happy yet a little unnerved. i was so used to him with a hat on that i dont know how i felt about it. i mean with or without it he was still immensely good looking.i've really fallen for this man haven't i?
It took me a while to get ready but after a little i was done. i felt very pretty. i had put on my favorite hypoallergenic perfume (asthma gang rise up 😔✊) and got my books together. i picked up my laptop, phone and headphones and shoved them into my bag. i go to the outside of my apartment building and decided to walk it to his since it was only a few houses away. i arrive at the door and hesitate to knock. i wait a few seconds and build up the courage to knock lightly on the door. as i do i hear what seems to be someone speeding down a staircase and rushing to the door. the quick paced footsteps stopped for at least ten seconds and then the door opens and i see a half out of breath Alex greeting me with a smile. "Hi" "Hey, welcome to our humble abode" i step in as he helps me up the quite high front door step. i look up and around in awe, the inside was so big yet so beautiful. i loved it. he took my hand and led me up to his room. the house was dead silent. seemed to be only us in the house. he opens his bedroom door. the first thing that catches my eye are the blue walls, i had remembered them from earliest streams, they were very nostalihic to me. "What do you think?" he asks enthusiastically, "I love it" he gives me the most heart-warming smile i have ever received. We both sit down at his desk and start studying. we go at it for a solid 2 hours until i hear i grumble from Alex's stomach. he looks up at me and laughs, i laugh too. "Wanna order something?" "Sure" he opens his phone and goes into the uber eats app. we order some chipotle. "I think that's enough studying for today dont you think?" he asks "I think so, i'm exhausted" i say sighing "Me too, hey wanna watch a movie?" "Yeah whatcha got?" "I mean we could watch something on netflix OR we could watch Shrek 3 on Blue Ray DVD" "Sounds like a plan" "Sure is". he jumps ont oh is bed and gets under the covers and pats the space next to him. I get in the soft bedsheets. i was so tired i couldnt move. we both eat our food and settle in bed to watch the movie. it was half way through the movie and it was around 8:30 pm. i didnt expect to stay so late. we kept watching the movie as i started to dose off. Alex had his hand around me and my head laid peacefully on his shoulder. i felt happy.

A/N: EYYYY ANOTHER CHAPTERR sorry for like dying on you guys f. i had like zero motivation l. anyway hope you liked this chaperone i really like it. :))
1440 words :)

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