Soaking Slytherins

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Barnaby found it hard to focus in his lessons that day. He was working so hard to remember everything his teachers said that he couldn't actually tell what they were saying.

He frowned down at the notes he'd taken in Charms.

Cheering Charms make you happy. Remember remember remember wave your wand and say don't forget focus focus focus

He sighed and put his notes back in his bag as he walked with Merula and Ismelda to Herbology. If only he could remember how to cast a cheering charm. He could use one about now.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Merula with a wide smile. Her cheering charm was still taking effect. "There's so much to be happy about!"

"I'm no good at school," said Barnaby. "There's no way I'm going to get all of my OWLs."

"Don't worry so much," said Merula. "I'm sure it'll all work out for the best!"

"She's right," said Ismelda, though she gave Merula a look of disgust. "You're strong. I'm sure you can do anything you try."

"Wow, I wish you two had cheering charms on you all the time," said Barnaby.

"My cheering charm wore off," said Ismelda. "I was just...trying to be nice."


"I don't know, and I didn't like it! Just forget it!" She stalked off.

"What is she so cranky about?" asked Merula, still smiling.

"How should I know? I don't understand anything," he said.

Barnaby took a deep breath when he stepped outside the castle for Care of Magical Creatures. It was the first time he'd been out since he arrived at Hogwarts.

His heart became fuller with each step he took toward the paddock, nearly leaping out of his chest entirely when he saw the creatures flittering around Professor Kettleburn's head.

"Hullo, Professor," said Barnaby. He could have run up and hugged the jovial, eccentric professor; he was that happy to be in his class again.

"Barnaby, my lad!" boomed Kettleburn when he spotted him. "Good to see you again. Would you get a load of these beauties?"

The creatures, tiny glowing humanoids with transparent wings, buzzed happily at the compliment, then resumed flying around in circles and fighting for a place in front of the hand mirror Kettleburn was holding up with his good hand.

"Fairies," said Barnaby. He was getting dizzy watching them buzz around. "They're brilliant."

His classmates soon caught up with them and Kettleburn had them gather around so he could begin the lesson.

Barnaby climbed up on a large boulder and sat between Sarah and Charlie. It felt so good to be finally doing something he was a natural at.

"Fairies!" shouted Kettleburn at them all. "These vain little creatures live in glades and woodlands all over the world!"

After Kettleburn told them everything they needed to know about fairies, they got into groups to feed them. Barnaby joined Charlie, Rowan, and Sarah and they all held out leaves, waiting for a few fairies to buzz over and snatch them.

Rowan was having trouble getting the fairies to linger. Many zoomed over to her, trying to look at their reflections in her glasses, but they flew away again as Rowan batted them away.

"Do they flock to you because you're so good-looking or something?" she asked Barnaby. Nearly a dozen fairies flittered about as he handed them leaves.

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