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Barnaby hoped Sarah would meet them in the library, but she never showed up. It wasn't the same studying with only Rowan; she was an excellent tutor, but Sarah would remind Rowan that Barnaby needed breaks, and didn't mind going off topic every now and then. Rowan was all business. 

They finally left the library at closing time. "I think that went pretty well. Don't you agree?" said Rowan. 

Barnaby rubbed at his eyes. He had a headache. "Sure."

"Just review those notes on conjuration before you go to bed, and I think you'll be ready for the quiz tomorrow." 

She stopped at one of the staircases that led to the dungeons, but Barnaby gestured for her to keep walking. "I'll go with you to Gryffindor tower. I need to stretch my legs a bit." He was also hoping to run into Sarah on the way up.

Rowan pursed her lips like the wanted to lecture him about wasting time, but she only shrugged and led the way toward the grand staircase. 

"I wonder where Sarah ran off too?" she asked. "Surely her meeting wouldn't have taken that long."

Barnaby shrugged. As they turned a corner and began climbing the staircase, they heard the voices of a crowd of people. Soon, they ran into a packed group of students clogging up the stair case. They seemed to be gathering around a landing on the third floor. Many students were standing on tip-toe, trying to get a look at whatever was happening on the landing. 

Barnaby and Rowan glanced at each other. "Found her," they said together. 

The students were packed tightly on the staircase, but Barnaby was able to use his large, muscular form to force his way to the front of the crowd. Rowan stuck close behind him. 

Sure enough, when he reached the front of the crowd, Sarah was standing on the landing, her arms wrapped around Penny, who was weeping into her hands. Sarah wasn't looking at Penny; she was gazing in horror at a large picture frame on the wall. 

Barnaby looked at it, too. The picture was of a barren landscape, with one person in the front and center. It was a first year, a Hufflepuff that looked exactly like Penny, but instead of long braids, her hair was cut in a short bob. 

Rowan gasped. "Beatrice!" 

Penny's little sister was staring out at the all in frightened confusion, banging her fists and pushing like she was trying to come out of the picture.

"Everyone, stand back!" Professor Rakepick stood at the top of the stairs, addressing the throng of students. "Find another way up. You're not safe here."

"Is it another curse?" one of the students asked. 

Rakepick glared back at the crowd. "Each student remaining on this staircase in one minute will receive, at best, detention, at worse," she pulled out her wand with a malicious smile. "Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that."

Barnaby was nearly knocked over as the others students pushed him aside to get back downstairs, but he remained where he was, watching Sarah and Penny. Rowan had grabbed hold of his shoulders and pressed the side of her face to his back to keep the mob from dragging her away. 

Barnaby noticed that Merula was also on the landing. She waved smugly at the departing students, before gazing up at Rakepick like a puppy looking at her master. 

Sarah was staring defiantly at Rakepick as Flich grabbed her by the wrist, yanking her toward them. Barnaby automatically stepped forward, glaring at Filch. Rowan, who'd still been pressed against him, stumbled and nearly fell. 

"Do something, Professor!" Sarah was shouting, fighting against Filch's grip.

"There's nothing that can be done about your punishment," said Rakepick. "Your teachers and friends will continue doing what they can for Miss Haywood. You can join them after detention."

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