Stone x reader (pt 2) First kiss

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(Kinda leaving off to the last one? Idk take it)

His voice yelled while you ran faster. A bruised eye and a cut arm ached as you ran. Somehow Ditch found out you've been flirting with stone. You didn't really know how, maybe one of his other goons freaking snitched. But you didn't tell anyone. You crossed the bridge on to Vinnie's turf, and looked back at Ditch and his gang. "You're dead to us you hear? Dead!" He then walks away mumbling nonsense. You felt a sort of relief, see, Ditch thought you were a type of weak, he would send you on tasks just to get rid of you, of punch you for the fun of it. Sure this wasn't the cleanest way to get rid of him, but it was better then staying. You sigh and walk into the bar you and stone meet up at. Though it was pretty crowded today. You glanced around and you spotted stone and his friends. You thought for a moment and remembered that Vinnie and Skipp don't even know who you are, they only know that you're apart of Ditch's gang. You decide to turn back and find a ally way to sleep in, but then something hugged you from behind. "What happened?" The smell of cigarettes comforted you, stones face was burrowed in you're shoulder. You felt tears wind up in you're eyes as you were happy to see him again.

You swiftly turn over and hug him back tightly. "Stone! Is that a freaking Ditch gang goober?!" Vinnie says walking towards us. Stone turns back to her, pulling away from me, but giving me his hand. I fiddle with his cold hand to avoid eye contact. "Not right now Vinnie, ok?" Stone says calmly, but with a hint of anger as well. You loved how he was never scared to get his point across. Vinnie then looked surprised but nodded. Once she did that stone lead you out of the bar, and to a much more quiet and calm place. Under a tree and looked at you concerned. Not really asking you to tell him but simply waiting. He never forced you, and always asked to hold you're hand. You smiled at him and rested you're hands on his cheeks. "I'm ok blueberry.." you say smiling. He still looks concerned but he trusts you.

His cold hands overlapped yours and he gave a soft kiss to you're hand. You're face grew red and you tilted his chin up so his eyes met yours. "Can I kiss you?" You asked bluntly. Stoned eyes widened, "Wh-Like right now? This second?" You nod and giggled. Stone nods, a little excitedly. Though he was shaking from adrenaline. You move his hair out of his face and mumble a "Calm down dork.." you say. And then simply a soft kiss happened. It was pure, and sweet. It lasted around 5 seconds, once it broke stones face looked like a tomato. While you were smiling like an idiot. Stone just pulled you closer and dug his face into you're neck, probably because he didn't want you to see him freaking out. You smiled and melted into his touch. "You can stay with me ok? Just stay here." You nod, Stone was probably the most understanding person out there for you. It was perfect. This was perfect. 

Dundudndunnnn that was gross and sappy I'm gonna barf BLARGHHH OH GOD ITS EVERYWHERE BLARGH-

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