Wingman pt 2 (Stone x reader

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You've never been on a date before. Was this even a date? This was weird, brushing your hair, and attempting to look nicer then usual for this boy. You had planned to maybe sneak away for the night and see him. Or maybe just say your going shopping? "Y/n." Suddenly you jumped. Seeing the main maid for the building looking at you, her reflection from the mirror was quite terrifying.

"Hey! Uh, yes?" As you whipped around, the maid looked you up and down, her face with an unsettling amount of no emotion. "Where are you going?" Shit. How did she know? You were terrible at lying. "What? Who- where? Up? Down? No? What?" You scrambled, grabbing your bag and smiling nervously. "A boy?" She asked, tilting her head to the side with a smug smile. "WHHHAAAAA.....PFFFT NO! No, im just, i need to water my uh, my cactus! Mhm!" And like that, you ran into the hallway and out the door.

And meanwhile, Vinnie was talking up stone. "Listen this is gonna be awesome okay? Don't even worry! If anything goes wrong ill kick them in the head and into a concussion." She nodded, almost to excited at the idea. "Don't do that." Stone said, lighting his cigarette in an attempt to calm down. "I'll probably do that." Vinnie mumbled with a shrug. "You both need to be positive, its gonna be great! Look how nice this looks!" Skipp said, gesturing to the beautiful tree, the small blanket from they're camp, and beans. They only had beans.

"Yeah if you think a dirty blanket and two cans of beans is nice." Stone said bringing his knees to his chest. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BE POSITIVE!" Vinnie said. Pouncing on the boy and slapping his face around softly. Though Stone let out a high pitched scream and attempted to push her off. "NO! BAD VINNIE! NO-" Skipp began frantically attempting to pull Vinnie off. Suddenly, they heard a voice. "Uh.." you stood there awkwardly. Fidgeting with your hands. You looked nice, clean, your clothes had no wrinkles, and you had fine black boots on. The three went silent and looked at you.

Skipp smiled covering his mouth his hands and squealing. While Vinnie got off of stone and grabbed skipps hand. "Have fun you two!!" she said. Walking backwards smugly and winking. Though suddenly Vinnie tripped on a rock, "AH-FUCK" she rolled off the hill and Skipp gave you both a happy wave goodbye. There was a small silence, until Stone looked at you and decided to ignore that. "Hi." He said. You laughed and sat down next to him, glancing to the two cans of beans that were smashed open, and then back at him with a small confused smile. "Yeah- i don't- i dunno." Stone shrugged taking the cans and putting them to the side. Even looking at them made him feel embarrassed. Though you didn't mind. "You three are almost always together huh?" Stone softly nodded leaning back on the tree. "Unfortunately." A soft laugh could be heard from you as you leaned back with him.

"So.. orphan right?" Stone asked. You gave him a confused look. "Fuck- i mean uh, you live in that orphanage right?" You made a small 'o' face and nodded. "Yeah! Ive lived there for..shit, a awhile now." You're eye's looked down at your hands. Another silence was shared. "Christ, sorry im nervous." Stone didn't seemed to be bothered, only handing you the cigarette with a small, "Its okay.. me too." That made you feel a lot better. "You? Why?" You asked, he seemed like a pretty collected guy, when he wasn't passed out drunk in an alleyway somewhere. "Well, i dunno you're.. uh.." he trailed off. "Why are you nervous?" He changed the subject.

"I asked you first." You shot back, which caused Stone to groan. "Ive been wanting to talk to you for i dunno, awhile. Ive seen you outside your window a lot and you just look-or seem.. like you could be someone to have a drink with." The boy shrugged, you smiled. You liked how he tripped over his words and obviously had no experience with this, just like you. "Do you got a drink?" You asked. His face lit up, which caused you to laugh.

Moments later, you both were kind of shitfaced. Staring up at the now setting sky, feeling your entire body feel heavy and buzzed. "Great first date right?" He asked, well more slurred. You let out a loud abrupt laugh, holding your stomach and rolling over the the side, now facing Stone. To anyone else it really wouldn't be that funny, but Stone was laughing just as loud as you were. "Are they fucking drunk?" Vinnie asked, watching the scene from afar. "Awww.. they're connecting!" Skipp added. "Mm, respect."

"I like your laugh.." you mumbled, having no filter at the moment. Stone's eyes widened, and he smiled. "Christ, shut up. You're fucked up right now." He let out a nervous giggle. "So are you! Come on, this is great! I like you man!" You admitted. Probably people would prefer confessing to they're crush while not drunk and disorderly, but it was perfect. For the both of you it was perfect. "I like you" Another chuckle left his lips, before you pulled him into a hug, his hands gently placed on your waist. "Oh my god we're so confused in the morning.." He held you tight. A comfortable tight, not a suffocating one. "Whatever.. im having fun.." Stone slightly shrugged, and you nodded.

"Lets this again." You suggested. Stone let out a agreeing hum. "Should we fall asleep here?" That was a horrible idea, it was gonna get dark soon, and be pretty fucking cold. "Sure." You said. "Oh my- christ on a pole they're falling asleep." Vinnie scoffed. "We could get them blankets? I'll get them blankets!" Skipp ran off excitedly. "Impressive.." Vinnie mumbled. Stone had finally found someone who could make him feel happy while drunk. When usually he would cry, and complain and pass out. He was laughing, hell, he even admitted he was having fun. Vinnie smiled, and decided to go help grab the blankets for you too.

———————————————Author Notes
Plot twist you both wake up and have no idea who each other are lmao also hey whats up im back

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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